26/01/2010, 14:00 — 15:00 — Sala P4.35, Pavilhão de Matemática Rachid el Harti, Hassan I University, Morocco
Projective limits of C*-algebras
The underlying C*-subalgebra of a projective limit algebra is regarded as the non-commutative version of the Stone-Cech compactification, and the functor from topological *-algebras to C*-algebras as a coreflector. The C*-algebra topology can be described by two projective structures: the "trivial" and "maximal" ones. Besides the necessary background, I aim to describe another non-trivial structure for the group algebra C*() associated to the free group and three for C*(). For these we need a new characterisation of projective limits of C*-algebras. Joint work with Paulo Pinto.