23/06/2006, 15:00 — 16:00 — Room P4.35, Mathematics Building
John Harper, University of Rochester
Finite -spaces with retractile generating complex
Let be an odd prime. We study simply connected finite complexes having -torsion free homology which are rationally equivalent to a product of odd dimensional spheres (=rational -spaces). We ask whether the p-localization is an -space. If the rank , an answer has been available for about 25 years. In particular, if the -localization has a retractile generating complex, then the p-localization is an -space. When the rank , the statement is not necessarily true. Recent work (with L. Fernandez-Suarez, M. Mimura and J. Wu) has gained information for the case with detailed results for , in terms of classical homotopy invariants.
We describe the main result for , . Let with odd and localization at understood. Let be the two cell complex with attaching map . Let generate the kernel of the double suspension map (). Let be the inclusion of the bottom cell. The space , with retractile and rationally equivalent to , exists. It is a -local -space if and only if where is a certain map constructed from a splitting of .