Seminário de Álgebra e Topologia  RSS

11/06/2007, 11:00 — 12:00 — Sala P3.10, Pavilhão de Matemática
, Texas A&M University

Integral Deligne Cohomology for Real Varieties

Given a real variety X, we use methods of equivariant topology to introduce integral Deligne cohomology groups H 𝒟 n,pX. These groups are related to the bigraded Bredon cohomology H n,pX() of the Gal(/)-space X() an in the same manner that the Deligne cohomology H 𝒟 n,pX of the complex variety X is related to its singular cohomology. These groups are natural recipients of cycle maps from motivic cohomology and introduce variants of intermediate Jacobians and refined Abel-Jacobi maps. Amongst the examples discussed will be the case where X=Spec(K), where K is a number field, and a geometric interpretation of H 𝒟 2,2 X. In the case of number fields, we provide a homomorphism from the Milnor K-theory of K to the “diagonal part” of Deligne cohomology which is an isomorphism away from dimension 2 and relate change of coefficients homomorphism with classical regulators in algebraic number theory. This is joint work with Pedro F. dos Santos.

Organizador actual: Pedro Boavida de Brito.