Recent News and events

Integrated PhD in Mathematics: first edition of a meeting consisting of short presentations of research topics in Mathematics 

08/11/2024 14:00

@ P3.10, Mathematics Building, Alameda campus, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal

First edition of a meeting aimed at students who may be interested in an integrated PhD in Mathematics, and also at bachelor or master’s students who would like to know about possible PhD topics in Mathematics.

The meeting will be entirely face-to-face and will consist of short presentations of research topics in Mathematics by faculty members of the Department of Mathematics of IST.


Chair: Pedro Girão

  • 14h: brief introduction by the chairman
  • 14h05 - 14h20: João Ribeiro, Randomness, Codes, and Computation
  • 14h25 - 14h40: Pedro Lopes, Structure of quandles
  • 14h45 - 15h: Ricardo Schiappa, Resurgence, random matrices, and strings
  • 15h05 - 15h20: Lina Oliveira, Structure and representation of Tits-Kantor-Koecher Lie algebras of JB*-triples

15h25 - 15h45: COFFEE BREAK

Chair: Leonor Godinho

  • 15h45 - 16h: João Pimentel Nunes, Problems in geometric quantization
  • 16h05 - 16h20: Gabriel Cardoso, Riemann-Hilbert problems, self-dual Yang-Mills equations and gravitational field equations
  • 16h25 - 16h40: Cristina Câmara, Spaces of analytic functions and their operators
  • 16h45 - 17h: José Matias, Calculus of Variations applied to problems in the context of Continuum Mechanics

in the Mathematics Symposium

28/10/2024 17:00

@ Anfiteatro Pa1, Edifício de Matemática, Campus da Alameda, Instituto Superior Técnico

Revisiting the Role of Mathematicians in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

The purpose of the Mathematics Syposium series is to have some of the leading world mathematicians, computer scientists and statisticians discussing their work and views on a topic. Presentations should, as much as possible, be aimed at a broad mathematical audience, including students.

Team Europe wins the International Cybersecurity Challenge 2024!

28/10/2024 — 30/10/2024

@ Santiago, Chile

Mariana Rio Costa, a LMAC student, is a member of Team Europe, the winner of his year’s edition of the International Cybersecurity Challenge (ICC) that took place from 28 October to 1 November, bringing together in Santiago, Chile, some of the best cybersecurity talent in the world to compete and test cybersecurity skills.

During the three-day event, players competed in solving complex cybersecurity puzzles, involving classic Jeopardy challenges such as cryptography, reverse engineering and web exploitation, and a competition in Attack and Defense, where players are requested to defend vulnerable services through patching while exploiting vulnerabilities of other teams and eventually steal flags. Congratulations to Team Europe and to Mariana Rio Costa, LMAC student,  who is part of Team Europe.

Strings Online Lisbon Workshop

28/10/2024 — 01/11/2024

This online international workshop brings together experts in quantum gravity, string theory and machine learning to stimulate collaborative discussions and exchange of ideas on the latest developments and results in the field.

Organizers: Gabriel Lopes Cardoso (IST, Lisbon), Yang-Hui He (LIMS & Merton College, Oxford), Suresh Nampuri (IST, Lisbon)

Workshop An Ode to Geometry

16/09/2024 — 21/09/2024

@ P3.10, Mathematics Building, Alameda campus, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal

The workshop An Ode to Geometry,  focused on the geometric structures underlying ordinary differential equations, will feature talks and discussions covering topics like symplectic geometry, D-module theory, asymptotic analysis, and stochastic analysis.

New ERASMUS Mundus Joint Masters MATHS-DISC


@ Instituto Superior Técnico

The MATHS-DISC consortium, consisting of Università di Verona, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Igor Sikorsky Polytechnic Institute Kiev, Universidade de Lisboa and Université Grenoble Alpes, and the partner university NTNU Trondheim, was successful with its proposal for an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) in Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Data Science together with more than 20 partners from leading industry and research centers (e. g. Siemens, Intel, Bosch, Bayer, d-fine, uRoboptics, Vodafone Ukraine, IDOM, ENGYS, Otto Bock, DLR, Terranova, NeuronsLab, Computer Solutions SA, Royal IHC, …) from different sectors and from all over Europe.

This novel EMJM will have a total budget of about 5 million Euros in funding from the European Union over six years. The program is also supported by the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) and the European Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation (EU-MATHS-IN) to train the PhD students of tomorrow and to establish interdisciplinary networks to share best practices at European level to overcome geographical and scientific fragmentation. 

The program is scheduled to start in the winter semester 2025/26 and applications should be possible from February 2025. For more general information about this EMJM, please contact Prof. Cláudia Nunes.