Phone list:

Phone, email, web
To locate a phone not associated with a specific person:
Location | Phone |
Main office (3.13) | 1211 |
Accounting (3.16) | 1076 |
CEAF Office (3.18) | 1084 |
CAMGSD Office (3.14) | 1102 |
CeMat Office (3.22) | 1139 |
SQIG Office (3.22) | 1139 |
Administrative support, 3rd floor | 1071 |
Administrative support, 4th floor | 1133 |
Building maintenance | 1031 |
Presidency | 1077 |
Office at Taguspark (TP 2-N4.14) | 5280 |
Computer Resources
Location | Phone |
Computer support | 1090 |
Lab (4th floor) | 1131 |
Computer Science Lab | 1140 |
Lab (5th floor) | 1054 |
Undergraduate Computer Lab (LABMAT) | 3622 |
Computer Lab (floor -2) | 1485 |
Meeting rooms
Location | Phone |
5th floor | 1074 |
Commons Room | 1098 |
Visitors, post-doc, PhD students and undergraduate teaching assistants
Location | Phone |
Post-docs and PhD students (2.10) | 1036 |
Post-docs and PhD students (2.14) | 1039 |
Post-docs and undergraduate TAs (2.15) | 3455 |
Algebra and Analysis undergraduate TAs (2.15) | 3455 |
Probability and Statistics undergraduate TAs (5th floor) | 1050, 1052 |
Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis undergraduate TAs (5th floor) | 1068 |
ComputerScience undergraduate TAs (5th floor) | 1140 |
Post-docs (2.07) | 3753 |
Post-docs (2.07A) | 3638 |
Post-docs (2.08A) | 3751 |
Post-docs (2.08B) | 3752 |
Post-docs (2.08C) | 3679 |
Post-docs (2.09) | 1032 |
Visitors (2.12) | 1597 |
Visitors (2.13) | 1038 |
Visitors (3th floor) | 1075 |
Visitors (4th floor) | 3473 |
Visitors (5th floor) | 1069 |
Other Rooms
Location | Phone |
Mathematics Library (4th floor) | 1133 |
Commons Room | 1098 |
Study Room for the LMAC students (1st floor) | 3622 |
Location | Phone |
Main Office (3rd floor) | (351) 218417035 |
Instituto Superior Técnico | 351218499242 |