Logic and Computation
Research in Logic and Computation at the Department of Mathematics includes such topics as algebraic logic, algorithmic game theory, applications to information security, bounded arithmetic, combination of first-order theories, combination of logics, combined logics, computability and complexity in analog and digital computing, evidence logic, existential reasoning, kleistic logic, labelled deduction, logic abduction, physics of computation, probabilistic logic, proof theory, quantum computation, quantum logic, set theory, temporal logic and translations between logics.
The faculty members of Logic and Computation belong to the Security and Quantum Information Group (SQIG) of the Associate Laboratory Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT), and the Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies Group (Phys-Info), of the Associate Laboratory LaPMET/CeFEMA.
The members of the Logic and Computation area cooperate regularly with the members of information technology areas in other departments of IST, namely concerning the joint PhD Program in Information Security (under the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program).