Additional Results

Here we can find the accompanying files for Section 7.2. The results proved in this section are divided in two parts: 

Index 2 and b_2=1:

b_4 = 3

In this case, the program eliminates all possibilities, concluding that there are no T^2-actions with isolated fixed points.

b_4 = 4

In this case, the program eliminates all possibilities, concluding that there are no T^2-actions with isolated fixed points.

b_4 = 5

In this case, the program eliminates all possibilities, concluding that there are no T^2-actions with isolated fixed points.

b_4 = 6

In this case, the program eliminates all possibilities, concluding that there are no T^2-actions with isolated fixed points.

Index 3: b_2=2 and b_4=3:

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