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The workshop will take place in Lisbon at the Hotel Zurique Vip Executive located at

Rua Ivone Silva, 18, Lisbon.

Registration will start at 8h30 of December 4th at the conference room (1st floor) .

Conference Dinner

The conference dinner will be held at Restaurante Varanda de Lisboa"" on Friday 5th December. The address is: Praça Martim Moniz 2 1100-341 Lisboa, Portugal. It is located between "Rossio" and "Martin Moniz" Metro Stations.


Besides the Hotel Zurique V. E., we can also suggest the following hotels,

  • Holiday Inn Lisbon-Continental (3 min walking)
  • Hotel VIP Inn Berna (5 min walking)
  • Turim Iberia Hotel (6 min walking)

  • The invited speakers should contact asequeira@math.tecnico.ulisboa.pt concerning the accommodation details.

    Local Transportation

    Please consult the Lisbon public transport website for further information metro, busses and trains.


    Lisbon is an enchainting city and worth visiting and appreciating. Please take a moment to read this review on Lisbon and consult the Lisbon tourist information, events in Lisbon and Portugal tourist information.