Some workshops/conferences in Operator Algebras, Noncommutative Geometry and related topics

For other (perhaps better) lists, see those by Chris Phillips, Michael Anshelevich or Narutaka Ozawa

or the Operator algebraists worldwide facebook group


Operator Algebra Searchable Information Site -- OASIS


Some video conferencing seminars

·         Wales MPPM Zoom Seminar (weeky)

·         UK Virtual Operator Algebras Seminar (bi-weekly)

·         Math Seminars – Math Seminars (beta)




·         Subfactors and Fusion (2-)Categories, Banff, Canada, Dec 3—8

·         Annual Meeting on Operator Theory and Operator Algebras, Kyushu University, Japan, Nov 23--25

·         Twinned conference on C*-algebras and tensor categories, in the Fields Institute (Toronto, Canada), and ICMS (Edinburgh, UK), Nov 6—10

·         YMC*A 2023 (Young Mathematicians in C*-Algebras), Ku Leuven, Belgium, Aug 7—11

·         IWOTA 2023, Helsinki, Finland, Jul 31 -- 4 Aug

·         Workshop on Operator Theory and Complex Analysis, WOTCA 2023, Évora, Portugal, Jul 24-28

·         Yasu Festa 60, University of Tokyo, July 24—28

·         Higson 60, Kyoto University, July 03--07

·         Thematic Program on Operator Algebras and Applications, Fields Institute, July 01--December 31

o    Workshop on Operator Algebras and Applications: Non-Commutative Geometry, Dec 04--08.

o    Workshop on Operator Algebras and Applications: Free Probability, Nov 13--17.

o    Workshop on Operator Algebras and Applications: Groups and Group Actions, Oct 02--06.

o    Workshop on Operator Algebras and Applications: Symmetry and Structure, Sep 18--22.

o    Workshop on Operator Algebras and Applications: Connections with Logic, Aug 28--Sep 01.

·         Thematic Program on Operator Algebras and Applications, Fields Institute, Jul 1--Dec 31

·         Follow up Workshop to OAS Programme - Operator Algebras: Subfactors and Applications, Isaac Newton Institute, June 26--30

·         The Second Australia-China-Japan-Singapore-U.S. Index Theory Conference -- Noncommutative Geometry and K-Theory, Univ. Tokyo May 29--2 June

·         5th Conference of Settat on "Operator Algebras and Applications", Marrakech (Morocco) Jan 9—13


·         ECOAS, Michigan State University, Oct 22--23

·         Workshop Noncommutative Ergodic Theory (OTET 10), Kiel University, Oct 4--7

·         Workshop Cuntz semigroups, Kiel University, Sept 19—23

·         IWOTA 2022 KRAKÓW, Sept 6-10

·         YMC*A, University of Oslo, Aug 08--12

·         C*-Algebras, Oberwolfach, August 07--13

·         Noncommutative probability, noncommutative harmonic analysis and related topics, with applications, Będlewo, July 31--August 06

·         A conference in honour of David Evans' 70th birthday, Gregynog, Wales, July 27 – 2 Aug

·         Operator Theory 28, Timisoara, Romania, June 27-- 1 July

·         New Frontiers: Interactions between Quantum Physics and Mathematics, Harvard Univ, USA, 20--23 June

·         WOTCA22 -- Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and Applications 2022, Univ Algarve, Faro, 20--24 June

·         NestFest, Copenhagen, June 13--16

·         C*-algebras: Structure and Dynamics, Sde Boker, Feb 21--24

·         Kyoto Operator Algebra Theory Workshop, RIMS, Jan 13 - 14


·         Workshop on C*-algebras and related topics, RIMS, Oct 18--22

·         Noncommutative probability, noncommutative harmonic analysis and related topics, with applications, Będlewo, July 25--Aug 01

·         The Second Australia-China-Japan-Singapore-U.S. Index Theory ConferenceRIMS, July 19--23

·         Groups meet C*-algebras (Echterhoff 60+1), WWU Münster, July 05-09

·         Operator Theory 28, Timisoara, July 05--09

·         Workshop on von Neumann algebras and related topics, RIMS, June 14--18

·         Interactions between expanders, groups and operator algebras, WWU Münster, June 07--10




(due to covid-19, several meetings have been postponed)

·         International Workshop "Hilbert C*-Modules Online Weekend" in memory of William L. Paschke (1946-2019) [online] see also

·         Entangling Non-commutative Functional Analysis and Geometry of Banach Spaces, CIRM, October 12--16.

·         ECOAS, University of Virginia, Oct 17-18

·         IWOTA 2020, Lancaster, UK, 17—21 Aug

·         YMC*A, Münster, 10—15 Aug

·         ECM Minisymposium: Operator Algebras, Portorož, July

·         Noncommutativity in the North, Univ. of Gothenburg and Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sweden, 22—26 June

·         7th Florianopolis–Münster–Ottawa Conference [in honour of Siegfried Echterhoff’s 60th birthday] Münster, 15--19 June

·         Focus Programme: Operator algebras and topological dynamics: amenability and beyond (Programme), Münster, June-August

·         COSy, Fields Institute, 25--29 May

·         C*-algebras, K-theories and Noncommutative Geometries of Correlated Condensed Matter Systems, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, 18—20 May

·         Entangling Non-commutative Functional Analysis and Geometry of Banach Spaces, CIRM, 11--15 May

·         NCGOA, Vanderbilt University, 01—07 May

·         Topological Quantum Groups, C*-Tensor Categories, and Subfactors, Texas A & M University, USA, 27—31 July

·          British Mathematical Colloquium and British Applied Mathematics meeting, Glasgow, 6--9 April

·         Tensor categories and topological quantum field theories, 16—20 March

·         Introductory Workshop: Quantum Symmetries, MSRI, 27—30 Jan

·         Connections for Women: Quantum Symmetries, MSRI, 23—24 Jan

·         Quantum Symmetries (Programme), MSRI, Jan---May




·         Groups, Dynamics, and Approximation, Oberwolfach, Dec 01—07

·         Autumn School on Multipliers in Noncommutative Analysis, Univef Franche-Comté, Besançon, France, 18--22 Nov

·         Subfactors and Applications, Oberwolfach, Oct 27--Nov 02

·         Autumn School on Multipliers in Noncommutative Analysis,Univ Franche-Comté 18--22 Nov

·         Classification Problems in von Neumann Algebras, BIRS, Sept 29--Oct 04

·         Quantum Flag Manifolds in Prague, Prague, Sept 16--20

·         Maximal subgroups and (operator) subalgebras, IMPAN, Sept 16--20

·         Topology and Measure in Dynamics and Operator Algebras, BIRS, Sept 08--13

·         C*-Algebras, Oberwolfach, August 11—17

·         YMC*A 2019, Copenhagen, Aug 05--10

·         The Many Faceted Connes Embedding Problem, BIRS, July 14—19

·         IWOTA 2019, IST-Lisbon, July 22—26

·         2nd Workshop on "Leavitt path algebras and graph C*-algebras", Tehran, July 8--10

·         Operator algebras, Groups and Application to Quantum Information, ICMAT (Madrid), June 17--June 21

·         Operator Algebras and Applications, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, USA., June 17 – 21

·         Week on Operator Algebras 2019, Research Center for Operator Algebras (Shanghai), June 10--14

·         Focus Program on Applications of Noncommutative Functions, Fields Institute, June 10--July 05

·         Operator K-Theory in Geometry, Topology and Representation Theory (Gennadi Kasparov 70), Kyoto Univ, Japan, June 10--14

·         47th Canadian Operator Symposium, Univ. Regina, Canada, June 3—7

·         Operator Algebras and Quantum Physics, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, USA, June 3--30

·         Masterclass “Subfactors and Quantum Groups: a combinatorial approach to some problems in Operator Algebras”, Univ  Copenhagen, April 29 -- May 3

·         GPOTS 2019, Texas A&M University, May 28--June 01

·         Groupoids and Operator Algebras. Applications to Analysis, Geometry and Dynamics (in honor of Jean Renault), Orléans, May 21--24

·         NCGOA 2019 "Algebra and Geometry Quantized and Quantified" & 34th Shanks Lecuture by Michael Freedman, Vanderbilt Univ (USA), May 03—09

·         IV Workshop on Dynamics, Numeration and Tilings, Florianópolis-SC (Brazil), 29 Apr-3 May

·         Operator algebra conference in memory of Étienne Blanchard, Université Paris Diderot, April 08--12

·         Simons Semester: Geometric and Analytic Group Theory, Banach Center (Warszawa), April 01--July 15

·         Research Program: Operator Algebras, Groups and Applications to Quantum Information, ICMAT (Madrid), March 11--June 29

·         New Developments in Free Probability and Applications, CRM (Montréal), March 01—31

·         Subfactors in Sydney: Operator algebras, representation theory, quantum field theory, UNSW, Sydney, Australia, Feb 4--8

·         Winter school: Connes' embedding problem and quantum information theory, Oslo, Jan 07--11



·         Valette 60, IHES (France), Dec 17—18

·         OTOA 2018, ISI (Bangalore), Dec 13--19

·         CIMPA School Noncommutative Geometry and Index Theory, Unidad Merida, Mexico Dec 3--15

·         Model Theory and Operator Algebras, BIRS, Nov 25 – 30

·         Barcelona Weekend on Operator Algebras, CRM, Spain, Nov 16--17

·         Women in Operator Algebras, BIRS, Nov 04—09

·         ECOAS 2018, Texas Christian University, USA, Oct 13 – 14

·         Fusion Categories and Subfactors, BIRS, Oct 10--14

·         YMCA 2018, KU Leuven (Belgium), Aug 13 -- 17,

·         Young Women in C*-Algebras (YWC*A), KU Leuven (Belgium), Aug 11-- 12

·         ICM 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Aug 01--09

·         ICM Operator Algebras Satellite Conference, Florianópolis, Brazil, July 26—30

·         IWOTA 2018, Fudan University, July 23--27

·         18th Workshop: Noncommutative Probability, Operator Algebras, Random Matrices and Related Topics, with Applications, Będlewo, Poland, July 15--21

·         ICART2018, Rabat (Morocco), July 2--5

·         Operator Theory 27, Timisoara, July 02—06

·         Cuntz-Pimsner Cross-Pollination, Lorentz Center, June 25--29

·         Workshop: Secondary and delocalized index invariants, Univ Copenhagen, June 11—15

·         COSy 2018, Univ Manitoba (Canada), June 04—08

·         Operator Theory 27, Timisoara, July 02--06

·         GPOTS 2018, Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, May 28--June 01

·         Workshop on Noncommutative Geometry and Index Theory for Group Actions and Singular Spaces, Texas A&M University May 21-25

·         NCGOA 2018 on C*-algebras and Dynamics, Münster, May 14—19

·         Programme on Quantitative Linear Algebra, IPAM at UCLA, Mar 19 -- June 15

·         Interactions between Operator Space Theory and Quantum Probability with Applications to Quantum Information, Oberwolfach, May 06—12

·         ICOT2018 (5th International Conference on Operator Theory), Hammamet (Tunisia) April, 29 to May, 2

·         50th Anniversary meeting of the North British Functional Analysis Seminar, Edinburg (UK), April 12--14

·         Lancaster Analysis Days, Lancaster (UK), April 10--11

·         Operator Algebras and its Application, IPM (Tehran), Feb 05--08

·         Classification of group von Neumann algebras, AIM, USA, Jan 29--Feb 02



·         Facets of Irreversibility: Inverse Semigroups, Groupoids, and Operator Algebras, University of Oslo, Dec 04--08

·         East Coast Operator Algebras Symposium (ECOAS 2017), University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA, Oct 7—8

·         Masterclass on Applications of the UCT for C*-algebras, Depart. Mathematical Sciences, Univ.  Copenhagen, Oct 2--6

·         Workshop on Operator Algebras, Geometry, and Actions, Banach Center (Warszawa), Sep 29--Oct 01

·         Model theory of operator algebras, UC Irvine, Sept 20--24

·         Workshop on Operator algebras and Quantum Information Theory, Institut Henri Poincaré, Sept 11—15

·         Future targets in the classification program for amenable C*-algebras, BIRS, Sep 03—08

·         Topology Ecuador 2017, San Cristóbal, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, Aug 14--18

·         School on NCG and application to Quantum Physics, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, July 12--22

·         Von Neumann Algebras and Measured Group Theory, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, July 3--7

·         Workshop Analysis, Noncommutative Geometry, Operator Algebras, Chalmers Univ. of Technology and Univ. of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 6--12

·         Subfactors, K-theory and Conformal Field Theory, Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, Jun 12—16

·         Ergodic Theory and Operator Algebras, Texas A&M University, June 05--09

·         COSy, Lakehead University, May 29--June 02

·         GPOTS, Texas Christian University, May 22--26

·         Aspects algébriques, combinatoires et analytiques des probabilités libres, Univ. Hassan I, Setatt (Maroc), April 16 – 28

·         Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras Spring Institute, Vanderbilt Univ. USA, May 5-11

·         Subfactors, Higher Geometry, Higher Twists and Almost Calabi-Yau Algebras, Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, Mar 27—31

·         III Workshop on Dynamics, Numeration, Tilings and Graph Algebras (III FloripaDynSys), Florianópolis - SC (Brazil), Mar 20 --24

·         Operator Algebras: Dynamics and Interactions, CRM (Barcelona), Mar 01--Jul 31

·         Structure of Operator Algebras: Subfactors and Fusion Categories, Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, Jan 23—27

·         AMS Joint Meetings -- Special Session on Fusion Categories and Quantum Symmetries, Hyatt Regency Atlanta and Marriott Atlanta, USA, Jan 6--9



·         Subfactors and Mathematical Physics, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum, China, Dec 18--23

·         Recent Advances in Operator Theory and Operator Algebras, Indian Statistical Institute (Bangalore), Dec 13--22

·         Amenability, coarse embeddability and fixed point propertiesMSRI, Dec 06—09

·         Analytic versus Combinatorial in Free Probability, BIRS, Banff, Canada, Dec 4-9

·         Classification of C*-algebras, Banach Center, Poland, Nov 21—25

·         WCOAS, University of Wyoming, USA, Oct 15—16

·         Groupes et algèbres de von Neumann, Bordeaux, Oct 13--14

·         Workshop on Subfactors, Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Information, Harvard University, U.S.A, Oct 8--10

·         ECOAS, Loyola University Chicago, October 01--02

·         Amenability of discrete groupsAIM, Sept 26—30

·         Classification of C*-algebras, Banach Center (Poland), Nov 21--25

·         Noncommutative geometry the next generationIMPAN (Warsaw), Sep 01--Nov 30

·         Measured Group TheoryOberwolfach, Aug 28--Sep 03

·         C*-algebrasOberwolfach, Aug 21—27

·         Workshop on the Thompson Groups, Odense (Denmark), Aug 15—17

·         Groups and Operators, Gothenburg (Sweden), August 15--18

·         MSJ-SI: Operator Algebras and Mathematical PhysicsTohoku University, Aug 01—12

·         YMC*A (Young Mathematicians in C*-Algebras), Univ. Münster, Germany, July 25—29

·         Non-commutative Probability, Lévy Processes and Operator Algebras, with Applications, Będlewo, Poland, July 24--30

·         Groups, Dynamics, and Operator AlgebrasQueen Mary University of London, July 18—22

·         IWOTA2016, Washington Univ. in St. Louis, USA, July 18--22

·         Workshop on Operator Theory and Operator Algebras, IST, Lisbon (Portugal), July 5-8

·         International conference on structure of C*-algebras and tracial approximation, Hebei Normal Univ, July 04--08

·         HIM workshop "Von Neumann Algebras"Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, July 04—08

·         Symposium: The mathematical legacy of Uffe Haagerup, Univ Copenhagen, June 24—26

·         Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and Applications 2016 / WOTCA 2016, Univ Coimbra (Portugal), June 21-24

·         COSy, CRM (Montréal), June 13—17

·         Special Week on Operator AlgebrasResearch Center for Operator Algebras (Shanghai), June 06—10

·         Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Operator Algebras, Ottawa, May 29--June 01

·         GPOTSUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 23—27

·         The Fourteenth Annual NCGOA Spring Institute, Univ Bonn (Germany), May 17--25

·         Von Neumann AlgebrasHausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, May 02--Aug 26

·         Workshop classification and dynamical systemas I: C*-algebras, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Feb 22--26

·         Mathematical Aspects in Current Quantum Information Theory, NIMS (Daejeon), February 15—19

·         Master class Quasidiagonality and classification of C*-algebras, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Feb 8--12

·         Mini-Workshop: Operator Spaces and Noncommutative Geometry in Interaction, Oberwolfach, Feb 07--13

·         Winter school: Banach methods in noncommutative geometryMünster, Jan 25—29

·         Classification of operator algebras: complexity, rigidity, and dynamicsMittag-Leffler institute, Jan 18--April












·         COSy 2011, University of Victoria, May 24—28

·         II1 factors: rigidity, symmetries and classification, IHP (Paris), May 23 -- 27

·         CIMPA-MICINN-UNESCO Thailand school on Spectral Triples and Applications, Bangkok, Thailand, May 22 – June 4

·         GPOTS 2011, Arizona State University (USA), May 18--22









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