A comic with four panels, each depicting a pair of scientists in front of a blackboard scribbled with equations and diagrams. The first panel depicts a pair of young theoretical physicists, in 1968, joyously discussing physics in front of a board with Feynman diagrams. The second panel depicts a similar scene in 1968 with a pair of young mathematicians, in front of a board with advanced mathematics. The next two panels depict the same people and same boards, but in 1998. Both pairs of people are now old, and the mathematicians stand in front of the board with physics, perplexed, as perplexed as the physicists in front of the board with mathematics.

The Mathematics of Quantum Field Theory

a learning seminar


John Huerta and Gonçalo Oliveira

Practical information

What is this?

This semester (Spring 2024), John Huerta and Gonçalo Oliveira are running a learning seminar on the mathematics of quantum field theory. We started on March 18th, and will continue into July.

The seminar consists of two tracks:

Where and when?

We normally meet on Mondays, 2 PM - 4 PM, and Wednesdays, 1 PM - 3 PM, in room P3 of the mathematics building at Instituto Superior Técnico. However, we often change our schedule on a whim. If you are local to Lisbon and would like to be part of this, please email me.

The BV Track


You can see our in-progress notes here: (Draft version! Use with care!!)

Upcoming talks

The following is a tentative schedule of upcoming speakers in the BV track and their topics. The dates are subject to change, which will be announced by email.

Older talks

Please refer to the notes!


The Constructive Track

Please see this page, maintained by Gonçalo.

© John Huerta