Darmstadt 2003
Research Lectures
Recent talks (2002 - 2019)
Advances in general Wiener-Hopf factorization.
International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Universidade de Lisboa, 22.-26.7.2019.
From Sommerfeld problems
to operator factorisation.
Summer School entitled Bringing Pure and Applied Analysis together via the
Wiener-Hopf Technique, its Generalisations and Applications.
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, 5.-9.8.2019 (Course of three lectures).
Wiener-Hopf factorization through an intermediate
space and applications to diffraction theory.
Workshop on Factorisation of Matrix Functions:
New techniques and applications.
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, 12.-16.8.2019.
Wiener-Hopf factorization through an intermediate space and applications.
Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and Applications, Universidade de Lisboa, 3.-6.7.2017.
On the symmetrization of general Wiener-Hopf operators.
International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Technical University Chemnitz, 14.-19.8.2017.
Paired operators in asymmetric space setting.
1. Functional Analysis and Applications Seminar, Universidade de Aveiro, 3.3.2016.
2. CEAFEL Seminar, Universidade de Lisboa, 11.3.2016.
Operator factorization and boundary value problems.
WOAT 2016, Universidade de Lisboa, 5.-8.7.2016.
On the symmetrization of general Wiener-Hopf operators.
II CEAFEL Meeting, Universidade de Lisboa, 15.-16.9.2016.
Operator factorization and boundary value problems.
CEAFEL Seminar, Universidade de Lisboa, 31.3.2015.
Convolution type operators with symmetry.
AMS-EMS-SPM International Meeting, Porto, 10.-13.6.2015.
Operator relations in boundary value problems.
International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Tbilisi, Georgia, 6.-10.7.2015.
Operator factorization and boundary value problems.
Summer School on Applied Analysis, Chemnitz, Germany, 21.-25.9.2015 (Course of three lectures).
Wiener-Hopf factorization through an intermediate space.
1. Wiener-Hopf Workshop 2014, Aveiro, 23.-24. 6. 2014.
2. VI Annual Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, 12.-16.7.2015.
Operator methods in boundary value problems. Research plan 2014-16, jointly with L. Castro, R. Duduchava, T. Ehrhardt et al.
1. CEAFEL – evaluation, Técnico, U Lisboa, 2.9.2014.
2. III Encontro do CEAF no Algarve, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, 8.-9.9.2014.
Sommerfeld problems in Rn .
1. III Encontro do CEAF no Algarve, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, 8.-9.9.2014.
2. Humboldt-Kolleg, Tbilisi, Georgia, 4.-6.7.2015.
Diffraction from polygonal-conical screens: an operator approach.
1. II Encontro do CEAF, Instituto Superior Técnico, U Lisboa, 11.7.2013.
2. Journées Singulières Augmentées, Rennes, 26.-30.8.2013.
Diffraction from a three-quarter-plane using an abstract Babinet principle.
Seminar on Functional Analysis and Applications, Instituto Superior Técnico, UT Lisboa, 30.3.2012.
On the reduction of linear systems related to boundary value problems.
1. I Encontro do CEAF no Algarve, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, 4.7.2012.
2. Seminar on Functional Analysis and Applications, Instituto Superior Técnico, U Lisboa, 12.4.2013.
Operator factorization and boundary value problems.
1. Workshop on Operator Theory and Operator Algebras, Instituto Superior Técnico, UT Lisboa, 11.-14.9.2012.
2. CEAFEL Seminar, Faculdade das Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, 31.3.2015.
A Riemann surface approach for diffraction from rational wedges.
1. Seminar of the Functional Analysis and Applications Group, Universidade de Aveiro, 19.5.2011.
2. International Conference on Continuum Mechanics and Related Problems of Analysis, Tbilisi, Georgia, 9.-14.9.2011.
Operator factorization and applications to the solution of boundary value problems.
II International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, 15.-20.9.2011.
Some boundary value problems in conical Riemann surfaces.
1. International SimTech Symposium on Partial Differential Equations:
Theory, Applications, Simulations, Stuttgart, Germany, 6.-8.10.2011.
2. Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and Applications, UT Lisboa, 11.7.2012.
Progress in wedge diffraction.
International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Berlin, Germany, 12.-16.7.2010.
On boundary value problems in diffraction theory – an operator approach.
Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, 28.1.09.
On some connections between pure Hankel operators, extensions of Helmholtz
solutions into conical Riemann surfaces and the factorization of a special matrix.
1. Workshop on Advances and Trends in Integral Equations, dedicated to the memory of Siegfried Prößdorf. Klaffenbach, Germany 5.-9.10.2009.
2. Seminar on Functional Analysis and Applications, Instituto Superior Técnico, UT Lisboa, 15.1.2010.
A direct approach to convolution type operators with symmetry.
International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Israel Gohberg,
Williamsburg, Virginia, USA (session on Factorization Problems, Wiener-Hopf and Fredholm operators), 22.-26.7.2008.
Operator factorization, matrix identities and normalization.
II Iberian Mathematical Meeting, Badajoz, 5.10.08.
Inversos generalizados.
Seminário de Matemática, Instituto Superior Técnico, UT Lisboa, 4.11.08.
Boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation in an octant.
1. Seminar on Functional Analysis and Applications, Instituto Superior Técnico, UT Lisboa, 30.11.2007.
2. Seminar on Harmonic Analysis, Operator Theory and Applications, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, 11.12.2007.
3. Conference on Analysis, PDEs and Applications on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Vladimir Maz´ya, Roma, 30.6.-3.7.2008.
Mixed boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation in a quadrant.
1. IV. International Workshop on Electromagnetic Wave Scattering, Gebze/Istanbul, 19.9.2006.
2. Universität Kassel, 20.8.2007.
On the analytical solution of the linear-fractional Riemann problem.
1. Workshop on Applicable Analysis on the occasion of the 70th birthday of W.L. Wendland, Universität Stuttgart, 6.10.2006.
2. Seminar on Functional Analysis and Applications, Instituto Superior Técnico, UT Lisboa, 10.11.2006.
3. Seminar of the Functional Analysis and Applications Group, Universidade de Aveiro, 7.12.2006.
Mixed boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation in a quadrant.
5th Congress of The International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation, Catania, Italy, 28.7.05.
Constructive matrix factorization methods for convolution type operators with symmetry.
Seminar on Functional Analysis and Applications, I.S.T., 14.10.05.
Diffraction by rectangular wedges from the viewpoint of operator theory.
Functional Analysis and Applications Group, Universidade de Aveiro, 5.2.04.
Diffraction by rectangular wedges from the viewpoint of operator theory.
1. Third International Conference on Boundary Integral Methods: Theory and Applications, Reading, England, 16.9.04,
2. Seminar on Functional Analysis and Applications, I.S.T., 15.4.05.
On a class of wedge diffraction problems posted by Erhard Meister.
1. University of Stuttgart, Germany, 20.3.03,
2. Seminar on Functional Analysis and Applications, I.S.T., 4.4.03,
3. Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, 18.6.03.
An operator theoretic approach for mixed linear boundary value problems.
GAMM conference, Padova, Italy, 24.3.03.
An operator theoretical approach to wedge diffraction problems.
Brunel University, London, England, 1.7.03.
Diffraction by wedges with different face impedances.
1. Conference on "Potential Theory: Applications in Solid Mechanics and Acoustic and Electromagnetic
Scattering Theory" (Dedicated to the memory of Professor Victor Kupradze on the occasion of the 100-th
anniversary of his birth), Tbilisi, Georgia, 28.10.03,
2. Seminar on Functional Analysis and Applications, I.S.T., 7.11.03.
Open problems in operator theory.
Seminar on Functional Analysis and Applications, I.S.T., 19.12.03.
Localization and minimal normalization of some basic mixed boundary value problems.
1. International Conference on Factorization, Singular Operators and Related Topics at Funchal,
Portugal, 1.2.02, and
2. Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, 22.8.02.
Transformation techniques towards the factorization of non-rational 2 x 2 matrix functions.
Seminar on Functional Analysis and Applications, I.S.T., Lisboa 17.5.02.
On the factorization of non-rational matrix functions.
Seminar on Harmonic Analysis, Operator Theory and Applications, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, 28.6.02.
An operator theoretic approach for mixed linear boundary value problems.
Workshop on Inverse Obstacle Problems, Lisboa 5.11.02.
Previous talks (1972 - 2001) in the following conferences
Methoden und Verfahren der Mathematischen Physik, Oberwolfach
Methoden und Verfahren der Mathematischen Physik, Oberwolfach
Distributionen, Convolutionen und partielle Differentialgleichungen, Oberwolfach
International Conference on Function Theoretic Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Darmstadt
Jahrestagung der DMV, München
Operatorfunktionen und Spektraltheorie, Oberwolfach
Randwertprobleme der Mathematischen Physik, Berlin
Developing Methods in the Study of Boundary Integral Equations, Bearsden, Scotland
Jahrestagung der GAMM, Wiesbaden
Mesma, Berlin
Jahrestagung der DMV, Bayreuth
Functional-Differential Systems and Related Topics III, Blazejewko, Poland
What is more relevant: The Fredholm property or generalized invertibilty? That is here the question:
Regularity classes of bounded linear operatos in Banach spaces
Linear Operators and Applications, Oberwolfach
Symposium on Integral Equations and Their Applications, Warszawa, Poland
Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications, Amsterdam, Netherland
6th Czechoslovak Conference of Differential Equations and Their Applications (EQUADIFF 6), Brno, CSR
Topics in Pseudo-Differential Operators, Oberwolfach
Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der GAMM, Dortmund
Wiener-Hopf Problems with Applications, Oberwolfach
International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM), Berkeley, California, USA
Jahrestagung der DMV, Berlin
Mathematische Probleme in der Festkörpermechanik, Stuttgart
Symposium on Elastic Wave Propagation (IUTAM), Galway, Ireland
Saar-Colloquium on Spectral Theory, Algebras of Operators, Analytic Functions, and Related Topics, Saarbrücken
Kurztagung über Festkörpermechanik, Darmstadt
Praktische Behandlung von Integralgleichungen, Randelementmethoden und singuläre Gleichungen, Oberwolfach
Workshop on Matrix and Operator Theory, Rotterdam, Netherland
Workshop on Integral and Field Equation Methods in Fluid-Structure-Interactions, Newark, Delaware, USA
Wiener-Hopf-Probleme, Toeplitz-Operatoren und Anwendungen, Oberwolfach
Workshop der DFG-Forschergruppe "Ingenieurwissenschaftliche und mathematische Analyse bruchmechanische und
inelastischer Probleme", Lambrecht in der Pfalz
Singularitäten der Kontinuumsmechanik: Numerische und Konstruktive Methoden zu ihrer Behandlung, Oberwolfach
Workshop der DFG-Forschergruppe "Ingenieurwissenschaftliche und mathematische Analyse bruchmechanischer und inelastischer Probleme", Darmstadt
Second Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society, Lisboa, Portugal
International Symposium on Operator Equations and Numerical Analysis, Gosen, Berlin
Singuläre Integral- und Pseudo-Differential-Operatoren und ihre Anwendungen, Oberwolfach
International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Regensburg
International Workshop on Direct and Inverse Electromagnetic Scattering, Gebze, Istanbul, Turkey
Encontro de Contacto dos Bolseiros do DAAD, Lisboa
Workshop on Operator Factorization and Applications , Lisboa
Workshop on Diffraction Theory, Darmstadt
Conference in Honour of Vladimir Maz'ya on Functional Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Applications, Rostock
International Congress of Mathematicians, Berlin
International Conference on Recent Advances in Analytical and Numerical Treatment of Operator Equations, Klaffenbach/Chemnitz
3rd International ISAAC Congress, Berlin
Previous talks (1980 - 2001) in seminars and colloquia
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
University of Manchester, England
Universidade Técnica de Praha, CSR
Polytechnika Warszawa, Poland
Universidade Wroclaw, Poland
Universität Marburg
University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA
University of Georgia, Athens, Gorgia, USA
University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA
State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
Universität Bonn
Technische Universität Berlin
Instituto Superior Técnico, UTL, Lisboa
Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin
Technische Universität Karl-Marx-Stadt
Technische Hochschule Darmstadt
University of Dundee, Scotland
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
Harriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland
University of Manchester, England
Instituto Superior Técnico, UTL, Lisboa
Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa
Universidade de Aveiro
Technische Universität Dresden
Freie Universität Berlin
Universidade do Algarve, Faro
Technische Universität Freiberg
Universität Göttingen
Universität Kassel
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Universidade do Algarve, Faro
Universidade de Aveiro
Last update 18 August 2019
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