Projects of F.-O. Speck et al.
Operator Relations in Applications. CEAFEL
project 2016-21, jointly with L.P. Castro, Aveiro, Portugal.
Application of Operator Theory to Mathematical Physics. CEAFEL
project 2014-16, jointly with members of CEAFEL and L.P. Castro, Aveiro, Portugal.
Operator Theoretical Methods in Problems of Diffraction by Wedges
and Cones. FCT project SFRH/BPD/38273/2007, 2007-10, jointly with A.P.
Nolasco, Aveiro, Portugal.
Toeplitz Operators, Factorization and Corona Problems. I&D
2007-09, coordinated by M.C. Cāmara.
Operator Theoretical Methods in Boundary Value Problems. CEMAT
2003-06, jointly with F.S. Teixeira, continued in CEAF 2006-09.
Algebras of Operators of Non-local Type and Factorization of
Symbols. PRAXIS XXI project 1999-2001, coordinated by A. Bastos.
Normalization of Operators. CMA project 1997-2002.
Operator Factorization and Applications to Mathematical Physics.
XXI project 1996-2002, coordinated by A. F. dos Santos.
Spline Methods for Wiener-Hopf Equations. JNICT/BMFT project 423/2,
jointly with B. Silbermann, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
Singular Operators - New Features and Applications. JNICT/BMFT
423/1, 1995-1998, jointly with E. Meister, TU Darmstadt, Germany.
Wave Diffraction Phenomena, Sobolev Space Methods, and Approximation Theory.
DAAD/INIC project 311, 1991-1992, jointly with E. Meister, TU Darmstadt,
and B. Silbermann, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
Non-classical Wiener-Hopf Problems with Applications in Fracture Mechanics.
Subproject in the Forschergruppe Ingenieurwissenschaftliche und mathematische
Analyse bruchmechanischer und inelastischer Probleme. DFG project KO 634/32,
1988-1996, coordinated by E. Meister, TU Darmstadt, Germany.
Nichtklassische Wiener-Hopf-Probleme mit Anwendungen in der Beugungstheorie.
DFG project ME 261/4, 1985-1989, coordinated by E. Meister, TU Darmstadt, Germany.
Last update 21 February 2022
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