Filipe C. Mena
Full Professor (Professor Catedrático)
Vice-President of the Department of Mathematics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Univ. Lisboa
Member, Center of Mathematical Analysis, Geometry and Dynamical Systems, IST
Collaborator, Center of Mathematics, Universidade do Minho
Address, Phone and Email
Departamento de Matemática,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal.
Office: Mathematics Building, 5th floor, room 5.48
Tel: +351 21 8417130 (direct),
Email: filipecmena(at)tecnico(dot)ulisboa(dot)pt
Contents of this page
(Last update: October 2024)

(Photo taken by the ENEF2016 organizers)
Research interests
Mathematical Physics, General Relativity, Differential Equations, Differential Geometry and Applications
(2024) The characteristic initial value problem for the spherical Einstein-scalar field system, Grav24, UNC, Córdoba, Argentina, 8-12/April
(2024) Mathematical problems of generalised theories of gravity, YITP long term workshop on Gravity and Cosmology 2024, Kyoto, Japan, 29/Jan-1/Mar
(2024) Spherically symmetric Einstein massive scalar field systems, XI International Meeting on Lorentzian Geometry, Mérida, Mexico, 29/Jan-2/Feb
(2023) Global solutions to the spherically symmetric Einstein-scalar field system, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Sorbonne Université, Paris, 21/Dec, link
(2022) Global evolution and stability of cosmological models, plenary talk at 11th Aegean Summer School, Syros, Greece, 5-15/Sep
(2022) Mathematical analysis of the Einstein-scalar field system in spherical symmetry, EREP, Salamanca, 29/Aug-2/Sep
(2019) Generalizations of Hawking-Penrose singularity theorems, CMAT Open Day, Braga, 25/Out
(2019) Global existence of solutions to the spherically symmetric Einstein-scalar field system, GR22, Valencia, 7-12/Jul
(2019) Global dynamics of SO(3) Yang-Mills and perfect fluid FLRW cosmologies, XIV Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Bilbao, 15-17/Apr
(2019) Initial boundary-value problem for spherically symmetric Einstein equations, Fifth Minho Meeting on Mathematical Physics, Guimarães, 29/Mar
(2018) Applications of spacetime matching: models of black hole formation and gravitational wave emission, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, 22/May
(2018) Introduction to the theory of spacetime matching, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, 18/May
Recent Outreach Activities (sample)
(2024) European Researchers Night, Exhibition and Experiments, National Museum of Natural History and Science, Lisboa, 27/Sep, link
(2023) Science and Technology of Space Exploration, Round Table, Univ. Minho, Braga, 24/Nov, link
(2019) Dynamics of cosmological models, Talk, Jornadas de Matemática, IST, Lisboa, 3-4/Apr, link
Recent Event Organization (sample)
(2024) XVII Black Hole Workshop, Scientific Committee, Aveiro, 19-20/Dec, link
(2023) XVII Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Scientific Committee, Ponte de Lima, 3-5/Apr, link
(2022) XV Black Hole Workshop, Scientific Committee, Lisboa, 19-20/Dec, link
(2021) XIV Black Hole Workshop, Scientific Committee, Aveiro, 20-21/Dec, link
(2021) XV Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Local Organizing Committee, Coimbra, 29/Mar-1/Apr, link
(2020) XIII Black Hole Workshop, Scientific Committee, Lisboa, 21-22/Dec, link
(2019) XII Black Hole Workshop, Scientific and Local Organizing Committees, Guimarães, 19-20/Dec, link
(2019) Portuguese Mathematical Society Summer School 2019, Scientific and Local Organizing Committees, Lisboa, 2-5/July, link
(2019) Fifth Minho Meeting on Mathematical Physics - in honour of Estelita Vaz, Local Organizing Committee, Guimarães, 29/Mar, link
(2018) XI Black Hole Workshop, Scientific Committee, Lisboa, 17-18/Dec, link
(2018) Diagonal Seminars (for Maths students at IST), Lisboa, link
(2017) XXVI International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, Local Organizing Committee, Braga, 4-7/Sep, link
Recent Publications
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Global evolution in spherical symmetry for self-gravitating massive fields (with P. LeFloch and T-C Nguyen)
Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 394 (2024) 31-97 online
Asymptotic structure and stability of spatially homogeneous space-times with a positive cosmological constant (with C. Luebbe)
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 28 (2024) 1487-1542 online
Dynamics of interacting monomial scalar field potentials and perfect fluids (with A. Alho and V. Bessa)
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, published online (2023), preprint online
Improved decay estimates and C²-asymptotic stability of solutions to the Einstein-scalar field system in spherical symmetry (with J. Costa and R. Duarte)
Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations, Vol. 20 (2023) 853-902 online