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Departamento de Matemática
IST - Instituto Superior Técnico
Universidade de Lisboa
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1
1049-001 Lisboa, PORTUGAL
phone: (+351) 218 417 151
- Licenciatura in Mathematics (5 year degree) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 1973
- PhD in Mathematics, University of London, UK, 1980
- Agregação in Mathematics, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 1988
- Full Professor, Department of Mathematics Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa since May 1993
- Associate Professor Mathematics Department Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, June 1989 to May 1993
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, September 1986 to June 1989 • Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Operation Research and Computation Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, September 1980 to September 1986
- Assistant, Group of Applied Mathematics Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, September 1973 to September 1980 (on leave from September 1978 to July 1980 in the University of London doing a PhD with the support of Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian)
- Monitor, Group of Applied Mathematics Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, September 1971 to September 1973
- Combination of Logics: Fibring and Meet • Complexity of Proofs
- Conservative Translations and Reduction • Preservation Properties
- Labelled Proof Theory
- Probability and Quantum Logics • Categorical Techniques
- Abduction
- J. Rasga and C. Sernadas. Decidability of Logical Theories and Their Combination. Springer‐Birkhauser, 2020.
- D. Gomes, A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas, J. Rasga and P. Mateus. A Mathematical Primer on Linear Optimization. College Publications, 2019.
- A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas, J. Rasga and J. Ramos. A Mathematical Primer on Computability. College Publications, 2018.
- J. Carmo, A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas, F. M. Dionísio and C. Caleiro. Introdução à Programação em Mathematica. Terceira Edição (Introduction to Programming in Mathematica, Third Edition). IST Press, 2014.
- A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Foundations of Logic and Theory of Computation ‐ Second Edition. College Publications, London, 2012.
- A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Fundamentos de Lógica e Teoria da Computação ‐ Segunda Edição. College Publications, London, 2012.
- W. A. Carnielli, M. E. Coniglio, D. Gabbay, P. Gouveia and C. Sernadas.
- Analysis and Synthesis of Logics ‐ How To Cut And Paste Reasoning Systems. Volume 35 of Applied Logic. Springer, 2008.
- C. Sernadas. Introdução à Teoria da Computação. Editorial Presença, 1993.

- J. Rasga and C. Sernadas. Adding abductive reasoning to a propositional logic. Journal of Logic and Computation, Journal of Logic and Computation 2022, 32(4), 697‐728.
- J. Ramos, J. Rasga and C. Sernadas. Schema complexity in propositional‐based logics. Mathematics 2021, 9(21), 2671.
- J. Rasga, C. Sernadas and W. Carnielli. Reduction techniques for proving decidability in logics and their meet‐combination. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 27(1), 2021, 39‐66.
- J. Ramos, J. Rasga, C. Sernadas, and L. Viganò. Event‐based time‐stamped evidence logic. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 121, 2021 (pdf).
- J. Rasga, C. Sernadas, E. Karafilli, and Viganò. Time‐stamped evidence logic. Logic Jour‐ nal of the IGPL, 29(3), 2021, 303‐332 (pdf).
- J. Ramos, J. Rasga and C. Sernadas Essential structure of proofs as a measure of com‐ plexity. Logica Universalis, 14(2), 2020 (pdf).
- A. Sernadas, J. Rasga, C. Sernadas, L. Alcácer and A. B. Henriques. Probabilistic logic of quantum observations. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 27(3), 2019 (pdf).
- A. Sernadas, J. Rasga, and C. Sernadas. On probability and logic. Portugaliae Mathemat‐ ica, 74(4) 267‐313, 2017 (pdf).
- J. Rasga, C. Sernadas, P. Mateus and A. Sernadas. Decision and optimization problems in the unreliable‐circuit logic. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 25(3):283‐308, 2017 (pdf).
- J. Rasga, C. Sernadas and A. Sernadas. Preservation of admissible rules when combining logics. Review of Symbolic Logic, 9(4):641‐‐663, 2016 (pdf).
- J. Rasga, C. Sernadas and A. Sernadas. A roadmap to decidability. In A. Koslow and A. Buchsbaum, editors, The Road to Universal Logic, Studies in Universal Logic, pages 423‐ ‐445. Birkhäuser Basel, Springer, 2015 (pdf).
- A. Sernadas, J. Rasga, C. Sernadas and P. Mateus. Reasoning about logic circuits with in‐ dependent input errors. South American Journal of Logic, 1(1):135‐‐162, 2015 (pdf).
- J. Rasga, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Fibring as biporting subsumes asymmetric com‐ binations. Studia Logica, 102(5):1041‐1071, 2014 (pdf).
- J. Rasga, C. Sernadas and A. Sernadas. Craig interpolation in the presence of unreliable connectives. Logica Universalis, 8(3‐4):423‐‐446, 2014 (pdf).
- A. Sernadas, J. Rasga, C. Sernadas and P. Mateus. Approximate reasoning about logic circuits with single‐fan‐out unreliable gates. Journal of Logic and Computation, 24(5):1023‐‐1069, 2014 (pdf).
- J. Rasga, W. Lotfallah and C. Sernadas. Completeness and interpolation of almost‐every‐ where quantification over finitely additive measures. Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 59(4‐5):286‐‐302, 2013 (pdf).
- J. Rasga, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Importing logics: Soundness and completeness preservation. Studia Logica, 101(1):117‐‐155, 2013 (pdf).
- C. Sernadas, J. Rasga and A. Sernadas. Preservation of Craig interpolation by the prod‐ uct of matrix logics. Journal of Applied Logic, 11(3):328‐‐349, 2013 (pdf).
- J. Rasga, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Importing logics. Studia Logica. 100(3):545‐‐581, 2012 (pdf).
- A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and J. Rasga. On meet‐combination of logics. Journal of Logic and Computation, 22(6):1453‐‐1470, 2012 (pdf).
- M. Coniglio, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Preservation by fibring of the finite model property. Journal of Logic and Computation, 21(2):375‐‐402, 2011 (pdf).
- A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and J. Rasga. On combined connectives. Logica Universalis, 5(2):205‐224, 2011.
- A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas, J. Rasga and P. Mateus. Non‐deterministic combination of connectives. In Jean‐Yves Béziau and Marcelo Coniglio, editors, Logic without Frontiers: Festschrift for Walter Alexandre Carnielli on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, volume 17 of Tribute Series, pages 321‐338. College Publications, London, 2011.
- P. Mateus, J. Ramos, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Temporal logics for reasoning about quantum systems. In I. Mackie and S. Gay, editors, Semantic Techniques in Quantum Computation. pages 389‐413. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
- J. Rasga, K. Roggia and C. Sernadas. Fusion of sequent modal logic systems labelled with truth values. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 18(6):893‐920, 2010.
- W. Carnielli, J. Rasga and C. Sernadas. Interpolation via Translations. Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 55(5):515‐534, 2009 (pdf).
- R. Chadha, P. Mateus, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Extending classical logic for reason‐ ing about quantum systems. In D. Gabbay K. Engesser and D. Lehmann, editors, Hand‐ book of Quantum Logic and Quantum Structures, pages 325‐372. Elsevier, 2009.
- A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas, J. Rasga and M. Coniglio. A graph‐theoretic account of logics. Journal of Logic and Computation, 19(6):1281‐1320, 2009.
- A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas, J. Rasga and M. Coniglio. On graph‐theoretic fibring of logics. Journal of Logic and Computation, 19(6):1321‐1357, 2009.
- W. A. Carnielli, J. Rasga and C. Sernadas. Preservation of interpolation features by fi‐ bring. Journal of Logic and Computation, 18(1):123‐151, 2008.
- L. Cruz‐Filipe, J. Rasga, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. A complete axiomatization of dis‐ crete‐measure almost‐everywhere quantification. Journal of Logic and Computation, 18(6):885‐911, 2008.
- L. Cruz‐Filipe, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Heterogeneous fibring of deductive sys‐ tems. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 16:121‐153, 2008.
- C. Caleiro, P. Mateus, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Quantum institutions. In K. Futat‐ sugi, J.‐P. Jouannaud, and J. Meseguer, editors, Algebra, Meaning, and Computation ‐ Essays Dedicated to Joseph A. Goguen on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, volume 4060 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 50‐‐64. Springer, 2006.
- C. Caleiro, W. A. Carnielli, J. Rasga and C. Sernadas. Fibring of logics as a universal con‐ struction. In D. Gabbay and F. Guenthner, editors, Handbook of Philosophical Logic, 2nd Edition, volume 13, pages 123‐‐187. Springer, 2005.
- C. Caleiro, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Fibring logics: Past, present and future. In S. Ar‐ temov, H. Barringer, A. S. d'Avila Garcez, L. C. Lamb, and J. Woods, editors, We Will Show Them: Essays in Honour of Dov Gabbay, Volume One, pages 363‐‐388. King's Col‐ lege Publications, 2005.
- P. Mateus, J. Rasga and C. Sernadas. Modal sequent calculi labelled with truth values: Cut elimination/a>. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 13(2):173‐199, 2005.
- P. Mateus, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Exogenous semantics approach to enriching logics. In G. Sica, editor, Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics and Logic, volume 1, pages 165‐194. Polimetrica, 2005.
- P. Mateus, A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and L. Viganò. Modal sequent calculi labelled with truth values: Completeness, duality and analyticity. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 12(3):227‐274, 2004.
- C. Caleiro, W. A. Carnielli, M. E. Coniglio, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Fibring non‐ truth‐functional logics: Completeness preservation. Journal of Logic, Language and In‐ formation, 12(2):183‐‐211, 2003.
- M. E. Coniglio, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Fibring logics with topos semantics. Jour‐ nal of Logic and Computation, 13(4):595‐624, 2003.
- P. Mateus, M. Cabral Morais, C. Nunes, A. Pacheco, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Cat‐ egorical foundations for randomly timed automata. Theoretical Computer Science, 308:393‐427, 2003.
- C. Sernadas, L. Viganò, J. Rasga and A. Sernadas. Truth‐values as labels: A general recipe for labelled deduction. Journal of Applied Non‐Classical Logics, 13(3‐4):277‐‐315, 2003.
- J. Rasga, A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and L. Viganò. Fibring labelled deduction systems. Journal of Logic and Computation, 12(3):443‐‐473, 2002.
- J. Rasga, A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and L. Viganò. Labelled deduction over algebras of truth values. In A. Armando, editor, Frontiers of Combining Systems 4, volume 2309 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 222‐‐238. Springer, 2002.
- P.‐Y. Schobbens, G. Saake, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. U2: A two‐level temporal logic for evolving specifications. Information Processing Letters, 83(3):167‐‐172, 2002.
- A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and A. Zanardo. Fibring modal first‐order logics: Completeness preservation. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 10(4):413‐‐451, 2002.
- C. Sernadas, J. Rasga and W. A. Carnielli. Modulated fibring and the collapsing problem. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 67(4):1541‐‐1569, 2002.
- P. Gouveia and C. Sernadas. Abductive reasoning over temporal specifications of ob‐ jects. In M. Zakharyaschev, K. Segerberg, M. de Rijke, and H. Wansing, editors, Ad‐ vances in Modal Logic 2, volume 119 of CSLI Lecture Notes, pages 275‐‐300. CSLI Publications, 2001.
- P. Mateus, A. Pacheco, J. Pinto, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Probabilistic situation cal‐ culus. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 32(1/4):393‐‐431, 2001.
- A. Zanardo, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Fibring: Completeness preservation. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 66(1):414‐‐439, 2001
- P. Mateus, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Realization of probabilistic automata: Categori‐ cal approach. In Didier Bert and Christine Choppy, editors, Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques ‐ Selected Papers, volume 1827 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 237‐‐251. Springer, 2000.
- J. Pinto, A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and P. Mateus. Non‐determinism and uncertainty in the Situation Calculus. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge‐ Based Systems, 8(2):127‐‐149, 2000. Full version of pin:acs:css:pmat:99a (pdf).
- A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas, C. Caleiro and T. Mossakowski. Categorial fibring of logics with terms and binding operators. In D. Gabbay and M. de Rijke, editors, Frontiers of Combining Systems 2, pages 295‐‐316. Research Studies Press, 2000.
- C. Caleiro, C. Sernadas and A. Sernadas. Parameterisation of logics. In J. Fiadeiro, editor, Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques ‐ Selected Papers, volume 1589 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 48‐‐62. Springer, 1999.
- P. Mateus, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Precategories for combining probabilistic auto‐ mata. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 29, 1999.
- A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and C. Caleiro. Fibring of logics as a categorial construction. Journal of Logic and Computation, 9(2):149‐179, 1999.
- S. Conrad, J. Ramos, G. Saake and C. Sernadas. Evolving logical specification in information systems. In J. Chomicki and G. Saake, editors, Logic for Databases and Information Systems, pages 199‐‐228. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.
- A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and C. Caleiro. Denotational semantics of object specification. Acta Informatica, 35:729‐773, 1998.
- A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and C. Caleiro. Synchronization of logics. Studia Logica, 59(2):217‐‐247, 1997.
- R. Jungclaus, G. Saake, T. Hartmann and C. Sernadas. Troll: A language for object‐ oriented specification of information systems. ACM Transactions on Information Sys‐ tems, 14(2):175‐‐211, 1996.
- A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and J. Ramos. Object certification logic. Data and Knowledge Engineering, 19:267‐‐294, 1996.
- P. Gouveia and C. Sernadas. Abduction in temporal object specification using tableaux. In P. Baumgartner, R. Hahnle, and J. Possega, editors, 4th Workshop on Theorem Prov‐ ing with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods ‐ Poster Session and Short Papers, pages 43‐‐48. University of Koblenz, 1995.
- A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and J. F. Costa. Object specification logic. Journal of Logic and Computation, 5(5):603‐‐630, 1995.
- A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and J. Valença. A theory‐based, topological notion of institu‐ tion. In E. Astesiano, G. Reggio, and A. Tarlecki, editors, Recent Trends in Data Type Specification, volume 906 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 420‐‐436. Springer, 1995.
- J. F. Costa, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Object inheritance beyond subtyping. Acta In‐ formatica, 31:5‐‐26, 1994.
- A. Sernadas, J. F. Costa and C. Sernadas. An institution of object behaviour. In H. Ehrig and F. Orejas, editors, Recent Trends in Data Type Specification, volume 785 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 337‐‐350. Springer, 1994.
- J. F. Costa, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Data encapsulation and modularity: Three views of inheritance. In A. Borzyszkowski and S. Sokolowski, editors, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 93, volume 711 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 382‐‐391. Springer, 1993.
- P. Gouveia and C. Sernadas. Reasoning aspects in information systems and databases. In A. Olivé, editor, The Deductive Approach to Information Systems and Databases 93, pages 201‐‐224. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 1993.
- P. Gouveia, C. Sernadas, J. Gomes and J. Apolinário. Tableaux for reasoning about ob‐ jects. In D. Basin, R. Hahnle, B. Fronhofer, J. Possegge, and C. Schwind, editors, The‐ orem Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, pages 113‐‐125. Max‐Planck‐Institut für Informatik, 1993.
- C. Sernadas. Introdução à Teoria da Computação (An Introduction to Computing The‐ ory). Editorial Presença, 1993.
- J. F. Costa, A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and H.‐D. Ehrich. Object interaction. In I. Havel and V. Koubek, editors, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 92, volume 629 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 200‐‐208. Springer, 1992.
- J. Fiadeiro, C. Sernadas, T. Maibaum and A. Sernadas. Describing and structuring ob‐ jects for conceptual schema development. In P. Loucopoulos and R. Zicari, editors, Con‐ ceptual Modelling, Databases and CASE: An Integrated View of Information Systems Development, pages 117‐‐138. John Wiley, 1992.
- C. Sernadas, P. Gouveia, J. Gouveia, A. Sernadas and P. Resende. The reification dimen‐ sion in object‐oriented data base design. In D. Harper and M. Norrie, editors, Specifica‐ tion of Database Systems, pages 275‐‐299. Springer, 1992.
- C. Sernadas, P. Gouveia and A. Sernadas. Refinement: Layered definition of conceptual schemata. In E. Falkenberg, C. Rolland, and E. N. El‐Sayed, editors, Information System Concepts, pages 19‐‐51. North‐Holland, 1992.
- J. Fiadeiro, C. Sernadas, T. Maibaum and G. Saake. Proof‐theoretic semantics of object‐ oriented specification constructs. In R. Meersman W. Kent and S. Khosla, editors, Ob‐ ject Oriented Databases: Analysis, Design and Construction, pages 243‐‐284. North‐Holland, 1991.
- R. Jungclaus, G. Saake and C. Sernadas. Formal specification of object systems. In S. Abramski and T. Maibaum, editors, TAPSOFT 91: Theory and Practice of Software De‐ velopment, volume 494 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 60‐‐82. Springer, 1991.
- R. Jungclaus, G. Saake and C. Sernadas. Using active objects for query processing. In R. Meersman W. Kent and S. Khosla, editors, Object Oriented Databases: Analysis, Design and Construction, pages 285‐‐303. North‐Holland, 1991.
- G. Saake, R. Jungclaus and C. Sernadas. Abstract data type semantics for many‐sorted object query algebra. In B. Thalheim, J. Demetrovics, and H.‐B. Gerhardt, editors, Math‐ ematical Foundations of Data Base Systems, volume 495 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 291‐‐307. Springer, 1991.
- C. Sernadas and J. Fiadeiro. Towards object‐oriented conceptual modeling. Data and Knowledge Engineering, 6(6):479‐‐508, 1991.
- C. Sernadas, P. Gouveia and M. A. Lopes. Gentzen‐type system for verification in con‐ ceptual modeling. In J. Göers, A. Heuer, and G. Saake, editors, Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects, pages 215‐‐228. TU Clausthal, 1991.
- C. Sernadas, P. Resende, P. Gouveia and A. Sernadas. In‐the‐large object‐oriented de‐ sign of information systems. In F. Van Assche, B. Moulin, and C. Rolland, editors, The Object‐Oriented Approach in Information Systems, pages 209‐‐232. North‐Holland, 1991.
- H.‐D. Ehrich, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. From data types to object types. Journal of Information Processing and Cybernetics EIK, 26(1):33‐‐48, 1990.
- C. Sernadas, J. Fiadeiro and A. Sernadas. Modular construction of logic knowledge bases: An algebraic approach. Information Systems, 15(1):37‐‐59, 1990.
- C. Sernadas, J. Fiadeiro and A. Sernadas. Object‐oriented conceptual modeling from law. In R. Meersman, Z. Shi, and C.‐H. Kung, editors, The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Databases and Information Systems, pages 305‐‐327. North‐Holland, 1990.
- C. Sernadas, P. Gouveia, L. Silva and M. A. Lopes. Objects as structuring units for incor‐ porating dynamics in deductive conceptual modeling. In The Deductive Approach to In‐ formation Systems and Databases 90, pages 93‐‐110. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 1990.
- H.‐D. Ehrich, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Objects, object types and object identity. In H. Ehrig et al, editor, Categorical Methods in Computer Science with Aspects from To‐ pology, volume 393 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 142‐‐156. Springer, 1989.
- A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Abstraction and inference mechanisms for knowledge representation. In J. Schmidt and C. Thanos, editors, Foundations of Knowledge‐Base Management, pages 91‐‐111. Springer, 1989.
- A. Sernadas, J. Fiadeiro, C. Sernadas and H.‐D. Ehrich. Abstract object types: A temporal perspective. In B. Banieqbal, H. Barringer, and A. Pnueli, editors, Temporal Logic in Specification, volume 398 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 324‐‐350. Springer, 1989.
- A. Sernadas, J. Fiadeiro, C. Sernadas and H.‐D. Ehrich. The basic building blocks of in‐ formation systems. In E. Falkenberg and P. Lindgreen, editors, Information Systems Concepts: An In‐Depth Analysis, pages 225‐‐246. North‐Holland, 1989.
- C. Sernadas, J. Fiadeiro, R. Meersman and A. Sernadas. Proof‐theoretic conceptual mo‐ deling: The NIAM case study. In E. Falkenberg and P. Lindgreen, editors, Information Systems Concepts: An In‐Depth Analysis, pages 1‐‐30. North‐Holland, 1989.
- C. Sernadas, P. Mendes, A. Hespanha, F. Santos, S. Mascarenhas and A. Sernadas. An object‐oriented representation of the dogmatics of omission to help in criminal law. In A. Martino, editor, Computers, Logic and Law, pages 781‐‐809. Istituto per la Documen‐ tazione Giuridica, Pisa, Italy, 1989.
- H.‐D. Ehrich, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Abstract object types for databases. In K. Dit‐ trich, editor, Advances in Object‐Oriented Database Systems, pages 144‐‐149. Springer, 1988.
- J. Fiadeiro, A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Knowledgebases as structured theories. In K. Nori and S. Kumar, editors, Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Com‐ puter Science, volume 338 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 469‐‐486. Springer, 1988.
- C. Sernadas and R. Carapuça. The role of conceptual modeling abstractions in compiler development. Computer Journal, 30(4):328‐‐336, 1987.
- A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and H.‐D. Ehrich. Object‐oriented specification of databases: an algebraic approach. In P. Hammersley, editor, Very Large Data Bases 87, pages 107‐‐ 116. Morgan and Kaufmann, 1987.
- C. Sernadas and A. Sernadas. Conceptual modeling abstraction mechanisms as parameterized theories in institutions. In R. Meersman and T. Steel, editors, Database Semantics, pages 121‐‐140. North Holland, 1986.
- A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Capturing knowledge about the organization dynamics. In L. Methlie and R. Sprague, editors, Knowledge Representation for Decision Support Sys‐ tems, pages 255‐‐267. North Holland, 1985.
- A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. Conceptual modeling for knowledge‐based DSS devel‐ opment. In C. Holsapple and A. Winston, editors, Decision Support Systems: Theory and Application, pages 91‐‐135. Springer, 1985.
- A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas. The use of ER abstractions for knowledge representation. In P. Chen, editor, Entity‐relationship Approach, pages 224‐‐231. IEEE CS Press / North Holland, 1985.
- K. G. Roggia. Fusion of General Modal Logics Labelled with Truth Values. PhD thesis, IST, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 2012. Supervised by C. Sernadas and J. Rasga.
- P. Baltazar. Probabilization of Logic Systems. PhD thesis, IST, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 2010. Supervised by P. Mateus and C. Sernadas.
- J. Rasga. Fibring Labelled First-order Based Logics. PhD thesis, IST, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 2003. Supervised by C. Sernadas.
- P. Mateus. Interconnection of Probabilistic Systems. PhD thesis, IST, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 2000. Supervised by A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas.
- P. Gouveia. Raciocínio Abdutivo sobre Especificações Temporais de Objectos (Abductive Reasoning over Temporal Specifications of Objects). PhD thesis, IST, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 1998. Supervised by C. Sernadas.
- President of Sociedade Portuguesa de Lógica SPL since July 2022
- President of Centro de Lógica e Computação do Instituto Superior Técnico 2003‐2008
- President of Centro de Matemática Aplicada do Instituto Superior Técnico 1999‐2001
- Member of the Editorial Board of Logics MDPI, since 2022
- Special Issue Combination of Logics and Theories, Logics MDPI 2023
- Co‐editor of Cadernos de Lógica e Computação College Publications London since August 2012
- President of Sociedade Portuguesa de Lógica SPL since July 2022
- President of Centro de Lógica e Computação do Instituto Superior Técnico 2003‐2008
- President of Centro de Matemática Aplicada do Instituto Superior Técnico 1999‐2001
- Member of the Editorial Board of Logics MDPI, since 2022
- Special Issue Combination of Logics and Theories, Logics MDPI 2023
- Co‐editor of Cadernos de Lógica e Computação College Publications London since August 2012
- Mathematical Logic
- Introduction to Computability
- Introduction to Optimization
- Modal Logic
- Complements of Modal Logic
- Category Theory
- Theory of Computation
- Algebraic Foundations of Computing • Logical Foundations of Computing
- Syntax and Semantics of Languages • Computational Logic
- Theory of Programming
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Stochastic Processes