Hey! I'm Michele Cirafici.
Math and Physics of Strings and Fields
About Me
I am a Researcher at CAMGSD, in the Department of Mathematics of Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon. My research is mainly on mathematical aspects of String Theory and Quantum Field Theory. I am part of the String Theory and Mathematical Physics group.
I am interested in mathematical aspects of String Theory and Quantum Field Theory.
Presently my research interests include nonperturbative effects in string theory and quantum field theory, quiver representation theory, cluster algebras, persistent homology, enumerative geometry, topological quantum field theory, topological strings and black holes. I am also interested in matrix models, noncommutative geometry and conformal field theory.
Click below for more details on my current/recent projects. Or have a look at my publication list .
This year's menu is: Renormalization Group. The aim of the course is to introduce renormalization in quantum field theory and the study of the renormalization group equations.
Syllabus 2013/2014 (tentative): review of elementary quantum field theory; functional integration and Feynman diagrams; divergent diagrams and regularization in scalar field theory and QED; renormalization and symmetries; renormalization group; critical phenomena; renormalization of non abelian gauge theories. If there is time and interest, other topics might appear.
The course will be supplemented by seminars given by the students (which will be part of the examination procedure). Other parts of the exam could consist in assignments and homework. Alternatively you might be closed in a room and left there until everything is renormalized.
My office is 2.08C (on scheduled times or appointment).
NEWS: I will not be giving this class in 2014-2015.
NEWS: if you want to take the exam but haven't done the assignemnts during the course, get in touch.
For Master and PhD students: I have a few topics for master and PhD thesis. You can have a rough idea on the area by looking at this website or my publication list.
Brief CV
Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, 2004
Laurea in Physics, 2001
Researcher at CAMGSD, Department of Mathematics,
2015 — Present Date as Investigador Principal (supported by an Investigador FCT fellowship)
2009 — 2015 as Investigador Auxiliar (supported by a Ciencia2008 fellowship)
Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Institute for theoretical physics and Spinoza Institute,
November 2007 — August 2009
Post-Doctoral Researcher at Department of Physics,
November 2006 — October 2007
Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Mathematics,
October 2004 — September 2006
If you feel like, drop me a line. Or just pass by (office 3.28):
CAMGSD, Departamento de Matemática
Instituto Superior Técnico
Av. Rovisco Pais
1049-001 Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Phone: +351-21-841-7086
Fax: +351-21-841-7035