Room P4.35, Mathematics Building

Louis-Hadrien Robert, Institut Mathématique de Jussieu, Paris
Indecomposable modules over a Kuperberg-Khovanov algebras

The 𝔰𝔩 3 polynomial is a quantum invariant for knots. It has been categorified by Khovanov in 2004 in a TQFT fashion. The natural way to extend this categorification to an invariant of tangle is construct a 0 +1 +1 TQFT. From this construction emerge some algebras called Khovanov-Kuperberg algebras (or 𝔰𝔩 3 -web algebras) and some particular projective modules called web-modules over these algebras. I will give a combinatorial caracterisation of indecomposable web-modules.
Categorification mini-workshop