Working Seminar on Symplectic/Contact Geometry/Topology  RSS


06/03/2012, 10:30 — 11:30 — Room P4.35, Mathematics Building
Daniele Sepe, CAMGSD/IST

Lecture II - Topological and symplectic classification

A theorem due to Liouville, Mineur and Arnol'd states that if a Lagrangian fibration admits a compact and connected fibre F, then the fibre is diffeomorphic to a torus, nearby fibres are also tori and there exists a symplectomorphism between a neighbourhood of F and the zero section of the cotangent bundle to the torus which preserves the fibrations. In this lecture, a generalisation of this theorem for complete Lagrangian fibrations is proved, using the natural fibrewise action of the cotangent bundle to the base on the total space of the fibration. This construction allows to develop a topological (in fact, smooth) and symplectic classification theory for such fibrations, which yields two topological invariants, the period net and Chern class, and one symplectic characteristic class, the Lagrangian Chern class.

See also

Current organizer: Miguel Abreu

a unit of the Associate Laboratory LARSyS