Room P3.10, Mathematics Building

Federico Sau, IST Austria
Hydrodynamics of the simple exclusion process in random environment: a mild solution approach

In this talk, we discuss an alternative point of view, initiated by the works of Nagy (2001) and Faggionato (2007), on the hydrodynamic limit of the exclusion process. We show how this method based on duality and a mild solution representation of the empirical measures carries over to the case of random environment - both static and dynamic. In conclusion, we discuss some recent refinements of this method which allow, for instance, to obtain tightness of the sequence of empirical measures.

Joint work with S. Floreani (TU Delft), F. Redig (TU Delft) and E. Saada (Paris V Descartes).

Projecto FCT UIDB/04459/2020.