Room P3.10, Mathematics Building

Gunter Schutz, Jüelich University
The Fibonacci family of dynamical universality classes

We use the theory of nonlinear fluctuating hydrodynamics to study stochastic transport far from thermal equilibrium in terms of the dynamical structure function which is universal at low frequencies and for large times and which encodes whether transport is diffusive or anomalous. For generic one-dimensional systems we predict that transport of mass, energy and other locally conserved quantities is governed by mode-dependent dynamical universality classes with dynamical exponents $z$ which are Kepler ratios of neighboring Fibonacci numbers, starting with $z = 2$ (corresponding to a diffusive mode) or $z = 3/2$ (Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) mode). If neither a diffusive nor a KPZ mode are present, all modes have as dynamical exponent the golden mean $z=(1+\sqrt 5)/2$. The universal scaling functions of the higher Fibonacci modes are Lévy distributions. The theoretical predictions are confirmed by Monte-Carlo simulations of a three-lane asymmetric simple exclusion process.

Projecto FCT UID/MAT/04459/2019.