Oporto Meetings on
Geometry, Topology and Physics
The aim of the Oporto meetings is to bring together mathematicians and physicists
interested in the inter-relation between geometry, topology and physics and to provide them with a
pleasant and informal environment for scientific interchange.
XXI Meeting (February, 4-7, 2015) at IST, Lisbon
Main Theme: Applications of Topology
Main speakers:
Ulrich Bauer (IST Austria),
Michael Farber (University of Warwick),
Dmitry Feichtner-Kozlov (Universität Bremen) and
Piotr Sulkowski (University of Warsaw and
California Institute of Technology)
XXth Meeting
(July, 19-22, 2012) at the Oporto University
Main Theme: Noncommutative Geometry and Conformal Field Theory
Main speakers: Jurgen Fuchs (Karlstads University), Terry Gannon (University of Alberta), Yasuyuki Kawahigashi (University of Tokyo) and
Roberto Longo (University of Rome, Tor Vergata)
XIXth Meeting (July 19-23,
2010) at the Algarve University
Main Theme: Categorification
Main speakers:
Sabin Cautis (Columbia University), Aaron Lauda (Columbia University), Catharina Stroppel (University of Bonn),
Dylan Thurston (Barnard College) and
Ben Webster (MIT)
XVIIIth Meeting (July 8-12,
2009) at the Oporto University
Main Theme: Symplectic and Poisson Geometry
Main speakers: Paul Biran (Tel-Aviv University), Henrique Bursztyn (IMPA), Yael Karshon (University of Toronto) and Alan Weinstein (U.C. Berkeley)
XVIIth Meeting (July 10-13,
2008) at the Oporto University
Main Theme: Approaches to Quantum Gravity
Main speakers:
Ali Chamsedinne (American U. of Beirut), Steven Giddings (University of California, Santa Barbara), Renate Loll (Utrecht University) and Thomas Thiemann (Albert Einstein Max Planck Institute, Golm)
XVIth Meeting (July 5-8,
2007) at the Algarve University
Main Theme: The Combinatorics, Geometry, Topology and Physics of Knot Homology
Main speakers:
Sergei Gukov
(California Institute of Tecnology),
Peter Ozsváth
(Columbia University),
Jacob Rasmussen
(Princeton University) &
Paul Turner
(Heriot-Watt University).
XVth Meeting (July 20-23,
Main Theme: Mathematical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Confirmed main speakers:
Frank Ferrari, Dan Freed,
Nicholas Manton,
Albert Schwarz
& Veeravalli S. Varadarajan.
XIVth Meeting (July 21-24,
Main Theme: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
Main speakers: Klaus Fredenhagen,
Gerald Johnson,
David McComb &
Graeme Segal
XIIIth Meeting (July 16-19,
Main Theme: Recent Developments in Chern-Simons Theory
Main speakers: D. Bar-Natan, S. Gukov, J. Roberts & C. Woodward
- XIIth Meeting (July 17-20, 2003)
Main Theme: Mathematics and String Theory
Main speakers: T. Gannon, A. Klemm, M. Mariño & E. Sharpe
- XIth Meeting (July 12-15, 2002)
Main Theme: Geometry of Differential Equations
Main speakers: I. Anderson, Ph. Griffiths, N. Kamran, J. Krasil'shchik,
A. Verbovetsky & A.
- Xth Meeting (September 20-24, 2001)
Main speakers: J. Barrett, S. Sawin, Tsou Sheung Tsun & B. Westbury
- IXth Meeting (September 29-October 2, 2000)
Main speakers: M. Akivis, V. Goldberg, J. Landsberg, S. Salamon & R.
- VIIIth Meeting (July 2-5, 1999)
Main speakers: R. Donagi, J. Froehlich & E. Getzler
- VIIth Meeting (June 5-8, 1998)
Main speakers: J. Baez, B. Greene, L. Takhtajan, B. Tsygan & D. Yetter
- VIth Meeting (July 4-7, 1997)
Main speakers: M. Blau, R. Dijkgraaf, P. Fre & L. Kauffman
- Vth Meeting (April 19-22, 1996)
Main speakers: J. Gervais, C. Kassel, J. Labastida & V. Turaev
- IVth Meeting (June 19-22, 1995)
Main speakers: J. Baez, A. Cattaneo, L. Crane & G. Masbaum
- IIId Meeting (June 6-8, 1994)
Main speakers: J. Nelson, J. Sousa Ramos, E. Rêgo & J. N. Tavares
- IInd Meeting (June 14-17, 1993)
Main speakers: A. Ya. Helemskii, C. Menezes, R. Picken & E. Rêgo
- Ist Meeting (February 24-27, 1992)
Main speakers: R. Picken, E. Rêgo & J.N. Tavares