workshops/conferences in Operator Algebras, Noncommutative Geometry and related
For other
(perhaps better) lists, see those by Chris Phillips, Michael Anshelevich or Narutaka Ozawa
or the Operator algebraists
worldwide facebook group
Operator Algebra Searchable
Information Site -- OASIS
Some video
conferencing seminars
MPPM Zoom Seminar (weeky)
Virtual Operator Algebras Seminar (bi-weekly)
Seminars – Math Seminars (beta)
Subfactors and Fusion
(2-)Categories, Banff, Canada, Dec 3—8
Annual Meeting on Operator Theory and
Operator Algebras, Kyushu University, Japan, Nov 23--25
Twinned conference on C*-algebras and
tensor categories, in the Fields Institute
(Toronto, Canada), and ICMS (Edinburgh,
UK), Nov 6—10
YMC*A 2023 (Young Mathematicians in
C*-Algebras), Ku Leuven, Belgium, Aug 7—11
IWOTA 2023, Helsinki, Finland, Jul 31 -- 4
Workshop on Operator Theory
and Complex Analysis, WOTCA 2023, Évora, Portugal, Jul 24-28
Yasu Festa 60,
University of Tokyo, July 24—28
Higson 60, Kyoto University, July 03--07
Thematic Program on Operator
Algebras and Applications, Fields Institute, July 01--December 31
Workshop on Operator Algebras
and Applications: Non-Commutative Geometry, Dec 04--08.
Workshop on Operator Algebras
and Applications: Free Probability, Nov 13--17.
Workshop on Operator Algebras
and Applications: Groups and Group Actions, Oct 02--06.
Workshop on Operator Algebras
and Applications: Symmetry and Structure, Sep 18--22.
Workshop on Operator Algebras
and Applications: Connections with Logic, Aug 28--Sep 01.
Thematic Program on Operator Algebras and
Applications, Fields Institute, Jul 1--Dec 31
Follow up Workshop to OAS Programme - Operator
Algebras: Subfactors and Applications, Isaac Newton Institute, June
The Second
Australia-China-Japan-Singapore-U.S. Index Theory Conference -- Noncommutative
Geometry and K-Theory, Univ. Tokyo May 29--2 June
5th Conference of Settat on
"Operator Algebras and Applications", Marrakech (Morocco)
Jan 9—13
ECOAS, Michigan
State University, Oct 22--23
Workshop Noncommutative
Ergodic Theory (OTET 10), Kiel University, Oct 4--7
Workshop Cuntz semigroups,
Kiel University, Sept 19—23
Sept 6-10
YMC*A, University
of Oslo, Aug 08--12
C*-Algebras, Oberwolfach, August 07--13
Noncommutative probability,
noncommutative harmonic analysis and related topics, with applications,
Będlewo, July 31--August 06
A conference in honour of David Evans' 70th birthday, Gregynog,
Wales, July 27 – 2 Aug
Operator Theory 28, Timisoara, Romania,
June 27-- 1 July
New Frontiers: Interactions
between Quantum Physics and Mathematics, Harvard Univ, USA, 20--23
WOTCA22 -- Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis,
and Applications 2022, Univ Algarve, Faro, 20--24 June
Copenhagen, June 13--16
C*-algebras: Structure and Dynamics, Sde
Boker, Feb 21--24
Kyoto Operator Algebra Theory
Workshop, RIMS, Jan 13 - 14
Workshop on C*-algebras and related
topics, RIMS, Oct
Noncommutative probability,
noncommutative harmonic analysis and related topics, with applications,
Będlewo, July 25--Aug 01
The Second Australia-China-Japan-Singapore-U.S.
Index Theory Conference, RIMS, July 19--23
Groups meet C*-algebras (Echterhoff 60+1),
WWU Münster, July 05-09
Operator Theory 28,
Timisoara, July 05--09
Workshop on von Neumann algebras and
related topics, RIMS, June
Interactions between expanders, groups and
operator algebras, WWU Münster, June 07--10
(due to covid-19, several meetings have been postponed)
International Workshop
"Hilbert C*-Modules Online Weekend" in memory of William L.
Paschke (1946-2019) [online] see also
Entangling Non-commutative Functional Analysis
and Geometry of Banach Spaces, CIRM, October 12--16.
ECOAS, University of Virginia, Oct 17-18
IWOTA 2020,
Lancaster, UK, 17—21 Aug
YMC*A, Münster, 10—15 Aug
ECM Minisymposium: Operator
Algebras, Portorož, July
Noncommutativity in the North,
Univ. of Gothenburg and Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Department of
Mathematical Sciences, Sweden, 22—26 June
Florianopolis–Münster–Ottawa Conference [in honour of Siegfried
Echterhoff’s 60th birthday] Münster, 15--19 June
Focus Programme: Operator
algebras and topological dynamics: amenability and beyond
(Programme), Münster, June-August
COSy, Fields
Institute, 25--29 May
C*-algebras, K-theories and
Noncommutative Geometries of Correlated Condensed Matter Systems,
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, 18—20 May
Entangling Non-commutative
Functional Analysis and Geometry of Banach Spaces, CIRM, 11--15 May
NCGOA, Vanderbilt University,
01—07 May
Topological Quantum Groups,
C*-Tensor Categories, and Subfactors, Texas A & M University,
USA, 27—31 July
British Mathematical
Colloquium and British Applied Mathematics meeting, Glasgow, 6--9
Tensor categories and
topological quantum field theories, 16—20 March
Introductory Workshop: Quantum
Symmetries, MSRI, 27—30 Jan
Connections for Women: Quantum
Symmetries, MSRI, 23—24 Jan
Quantum Symmetries (Programme), MSRI,
Groups, Dynamics, and Approximation,
Oberwolfach, Dec 01—07
Autumn School on Multipliers in Noncommutative
Analysis, Univef Franche-Comté, Besançon, France, 18--22 Nov
Subfactors and Applications, Oberwolfach,
Oct 27--Nov 02
Autumn School on Multipliers
in Noncommutative Analysis,Univ Franche-Comté 18--22 Nov
Classification Problems in von
Neumann Algebras, BIRS, Sept 29--Oct 04
Quantum Flag Manifolds in Prague, Prague,
Sept 16--20
Maximal subgroups and
(operator) subalgebras, IMPAN, Sept 16--20
Topology and Measure in
Dynamics and Operator Algebras, BIRS, Sept 08--13
C*-Algebras, Oberwolfach, August 11—17
YMC*A 2019,
Copenhagen, Aug 05--10
The Many Faceted Connes
Embedding Problem, BIRS, July 14—19
IWOTA 2019, IST-Lisbon, July 22—26
2nd Workshop on "Leavitt path algebras and
graph C*-algebras", Tehran, July 8--10
Operator algebras, Groups and
Application to Quantum Information, ICMAT (Madrid), June 17--June 21
Operator Algebras and Applications, Simons
Center for Geometry and Physics, USA., June 17 – 21
Week on Operator Algebras 2019,
Research Center for Operator Algebras
(Shanghai), June 10--14
Focus Program on Applications
of Noncommutative Functions, Fields Institute, June 10--July 05
Operator K-Theory in Geometry,
Topology and Representation Theory (Gennadi Kasparov 70), Kyoto
Univ, Japan, June 10--14
47th Canadian Operator Symposium, Univ.
Regina, Canada, June 3—7
Operator Algebras and Quantum Physics,
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, USA, June 3--30
Masterclass “Subfactors and Quantum Groups:
a combinatorial approach to some problems in Operator Algebras”,
Univ Copenhagen, April 29 -- May 3
GPOTS 2019, Texas A&M University, May
28--June 01
Groupoids and Operator Algebras. Applications to
Analysis, Geometry and Dynamics (in honor of Jean Renault), Orléans,
May 21--24
NCGOA 2019 "Algebra and Geometry Quantized and
Quantified" & 34th Shanks Lecuture by Michael Freedman,
Vanderbilt Univ (USA), May 03—09
IV Workshop on Dynamics, Numeration and Tilings,
Florianópolis-SC (Brazil), 29 Apr-3 May
Operator algebra conference in memory of Étienne
Blanchard, Université Paris Diderot, April 08--12
Simons Semester: Geometric and
Analytic Group Theory, Banach Center (Warszawa), April 01--July 15
Research Program: Operator Algebras, Groups and
Applications to Quantum Information, ICMAT (Madrid), March 11--June
New Developments in Free
Probability and Applications, CRM (Montréal), March 01—31
Subfactors in Sydney: Operator
algebras, representation theory, quantum field theory, UNSW, Sydney,
Australia, Feb 4--8
Winter school: Connes'
embedding problem and quantum information theory, Oslo, Jan 07--11
Valette 60, IHES (France), Dec 17—18
OTOA 2018, ISI
(Bangalore), Dec 13--19
CIMPA School Noncommutative
Geometry and Index Theory, Unidad Merida, Mexico Dec 3--15
Model Theory and Operator
Algebras, BIRS, Nov 25 – 30
Barcelona Weekend on Operator
Algebras, CRM, Spain, Nov 16--17
Women in Operator Algebras, BIRS, Nov 04—09
ECOAS 2018, Texas
Christian University, USA, Oct 13 – 14
Fusion Categories and
Subfactors, BIRS, Oct 10--14
YMCA 2018, KU Leuven (Belgium), Aug 13 --
Young Women in C*-Algebras (YWC*A), KU
Leuven (Belgium), Aug 11-- 12
ICM 2018, Rio de
Janeiro, Aug 01--09
ICM Operator Algebras
Satellite Conference, Florianópolis, Brazil, July 26—30
IWOTA 2018, Fudan
University, July 23--27
18th Workshop: Noncommutative
Probability, Operator Algebras, Random Matrices and Related Topics,
with Applications, Będlewo, Poland, July 15--21
ICART2018, Rabat
(Morocco), July 2--5
Operator Theory 27, Timisoara, July 02—06
Cross-Pollination, Lorentz Center, June 25--29
Workshop: Secondary and delocalized
index invariants, Univ Copenhagen, June 11—15
COSy 2018, Univ Manitoba (Canada), June
Operator Theory 27, Timisoara, July 02--06
GPOTS 2018, Miami
University in Oxford, Ohio, May 28--June 01
Workshop on Noncommutative Geometry and Index Theory
for Group Actions and Singular Spaces, Texas A&M University May
NCGOA 2018 on C*-algebras and
Dynamics, Münster, May 14—19
Programme on Quantitative
Linear Algebra, IPAM at UCLA, Mar 19 -- June 15
Interactions between Operator Space Theory and
Quantum Probability with Applications to Quantum Information,
Oberwolfach, May 06—12
ICOT2018 (5th International Conference on
Operator Theory), Hammamet (Tunisia) April, 29 to May, 2
50th Anniversary meeting of the North British Functional Analysis
Seminar, Edinburg (UK), April 12--14
Lancaster Analysis Days, Lancaster (UK),
April 10--11
Operator Algebras and its
Application, IPM (Tehran), Feb 05--08
Classification of group von
Neumann algebras, AIM, USA, Jan 29--Feb 02
Facets of Irreversibility:
Inverse Semigroups, Groupoids, and Operator Algebras, University of
Oslo, Dec 04--08
East Coast Operator Algebras
Symposium (ECOAS 2017), University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA,
Oct 7—8
Masterclass on Applications of
the UCT for C*-algebras, Depart. Mathematical Sciences, Univ. Copenhagen, Oct 2--6
Workshop on Operator Algebras, Geometry, and Actions,
Banach Center (Warszawa), Sep 29--Oct 01
Model theory of operator algebras, UC
Irvine, Sept 20--24
Workshop on Operator algebras
and Quantum Information Theory, Institut Henri Poincaré, Sept 11—15
Future targets in the
classification program for amenable C*-algebras, BIRS, Sep 03—08
Topology Ecuador 2017,
San Cristóbal, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, Aug 14--18
School on NCG and application
to Quantum Physics, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, July 12--22
Von Neumann Algebras and Measured Group Theory,
Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, July 3--7
Workshop Analysis, Noncommutative
Geometry, Operator Algebras, Chalmers Univ. of Technology and Univ.
of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 6--12
Subfactors, K-theory and Conformal Field Theory,
Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, Jun 12—16
Ergodic Theory and Operator Algebras,
Texas A&M University, June 05--09
COSy, Lakehead
University, May 29--June 02
GPOTS, Texas Christian University, May 22--26
Aspects algébriques,
combinatoires et analytiques des probabilités libres, Univ. Hassan
I, Setatt (Maroc), April 16 – 28
Noncommutative Geometry and Operator
Algebras Spring Institute, Vanderbilt Univ.
USA, May 5-11
Subfactors, Higher Geometry, Higher Twists and Almost
Calabi-Yau Algebras, Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, Mar 27—31
III Workshop on Dynamics, Numeration, Tilings and
Graph Algebras (III FloripaDynSys), Florianópolis - SC (Brazil), Mar
20 --24
Algebras: Dynamics and Interactions, CRM
(Barcelona), Mar 01--Jul 31
Structure of Operator Algebras: Subfactors and Fusion
Categories, Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, Jan 23—27
AMS Joint Meetings -- Special Session on Fusion
Categories and Quantum Symmetries, Hyatt Regency Atlanta and
Marriott Atlanta, USA, Jan 6--9
Subfactors and Mathematical
Physics, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum, China, Dec
Advances in Operator Theory and Operator Algebras, Indian Statistical Institute (Bangalore),
Dec 13--22
Amenability, coarse embeddability and fixed point properties, MSRI, Dec 06—09
Analytic versus Combinatorial
in Free Probability, BIRS, Banff, Canada, Dec 4-9
Classification of C*-algebras, Banach
Center, Poland, Nov 21—25
WCOAS, University of Wyoming, USA, Oct
Groupes et algèbres de von
Neumann, Bordeaux, Oct 13--14
Workshop on Subfactors, Quantum Field Theory and
Quantum Information, Harvard University, U.S.A, Oct 8--10
ECOAS, Loyola University Chicago, October
of discrete groups, AIM, Sept 26—30
Classification of C*-algebras, Banach
Center (Poland), Nov 21--25
Noncommutative geometry the next generation, IMPAN (Warsaw), Sep 01--Nov 30
Group Theory, Oberwolfach, Aug 28--Sep 03
C*-algebras, Oberwolfach, Aug 21—27
Workshop on the Thompson
Groups, Odense (Denmark), Aug 15—17
Groups and Operators,
Gothenburg (Sweden), August 15--18
Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics, Tohoku
University, Aug 01—12
YMC*A (Young Mathematicians in C*-Algebras),
Univ. Münster, Germany, July 25—29
Non-commutative Probability,
Lévy Processes and Operator Algebras, with Applications,
Będlewo, Poland, July 24--30
Dynamics, and Operator Algebras, Queen Mary University of London, July 18—22
IWOTA2016, Washington
Univ. in St. Louis, USA, July 18--22
Workshop on Operator Theory and Operator Algebras,
IST, Lisbon (Portugal), July 5-8
International conference on
structure of C*-algebras and tracial approximation, Hebei Normal
Univ, July 04--08
HIM workshop "Von Neumann
Algebras", Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, July 04—08
Symposium: The mathematical
legacy of Uffe Haagerup, Univ Copenhagen, June 24—26
Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and
Applications 2016 / WOTCA 2016, Univ Coimbra (Portugal), June 21-24
COSy, CRM (Montréal), June 13—17
Special Week on Operator
Algebras, Research
Center for Operator Algebras (Shanghai),
June 06—10
Workshop on Dynamical Systems
and Operator Algebras, Ottawa, May 29--June 01
GPOTS, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, May 23—27
The Fourteenth Annual NCGOA Spring Institute,
Univ Bonn (Germany), May 17--25
Von Neumann Algebras, Hausdorff Research Institute
for Mathematics, May 02--Aug 26
Workshop classification and dynamical systemas I:
C*-algebras, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Feb 22--26
Mathematical Aspects in Current Quantum Information
Theory, NIMS (Daejeon), February 15—19
Master class Quasidiagonality
and classification of C*-algebras, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Feb
Mini-Workshop: Operator Spaces and Noncommutative
Geometry in Interaction, Oberwolfach, Feb 07--13
Winter school: Banach methods in noncommutative geometry, Münster, Jan 25—29
Classification of operator
algebras: complexity, rigidity, and dynamics, Mittag-Leffler institute, Jan 18--April
- Analytic versus
Combinatorial in Free Probability, BIRS, Banff, Canada, Dec.
- Conference on
Noncommutative Geometry, CIRM, France, Nov. 2—6
- Young Mathematicians in
C*-Algebras, The University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug 17--21
- Abel Symposium: Operator Algebras and Applications,
Hurtigrute, Norway, August 7—11
- Banach
Algebras and Applications, Fields Institute, Canada, Aug 3--12
- IWOTA 2015, Tbilisi, Georgia, July 6—10
- Workshop on C*-algebras:
Geometry and Actions, Münster, July 13—17
- Subfactor theory in mathematics and physics,
Qinhuangdao, China, July 13--17
- C*-algebras
and Dynamical Systems -- – in honor of George Eliott’s 70th
birthday, Hebei Univ, June 29 – July 3
- The 15th Takagi Lectures,
Tohoku University, japan, June 27-28
- COSy – in
honor of George Eliott’s 70th birthday, University of Waterloo,
Canada, June 15--19
- Noncommutative Geometry, Oberwolfach, Germany, June 14—20
- 12th Advanced Course in Operator Theory and Complex
Analysis, Bologna University, Italy, June 9-11
- Free Probability Theory, Oberwolfach, Germany, June 7—13
- Growth, Symbolic Dynamics
and Combinatorics of Words in Groups, ENS,
Paris, June 01—05
- Special Week on Operator
Algebras, Research Center for Operator Algebras (Shanghai),
June 01--05
- Summer
school on Representations of Groups, Quantum Groups and Operator Algebras, Univ. Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1—5
- GPOTS, Purdue Univ, USA, May 26—30
- Workshop on vertex operator algebras and mock
modular forms, NUI Galway, Ireland, May 22--23
- Operator Algebra and Harmonic Analysis, Tsinghua
Sanya International Mathematics Forum, May
- Deformation Theory,
Homological Mirror Symmetry and Noncommutative Geometry,
University of Copenhagen, May 18—22
- Classification of
C*-algebras, flow equivalence of shift spaces, and graphs and Leavitt path
algebras, UL Lafayette, May 11--15
– Operator Algebras and Approximation Properties of Groups, Vanderbilt University, USA, May 1—7
- Erikfest, Copenhagen, May 4—8
- Masterclass on Groups,
boundary actions and group C*-algebras, University of
Copenhagen, April 13--17
- Focus progamme on
C*-algebras, Muenster, Germany, April—June
- Subfactors
and Conformal Field Theory, Oberwolfach, Germany, March 22--28
- Spring school on Algebraic K-theory of Topological Algebras, Universität Regensburg, Germany,
March 16-20
- Workshop on Functional Analysis and Dynamical
Systems -- FADYS
(dedicated to the 60th anniversary of T. Giordano),
Florianópolis, Univ. Federal Santa Catarina (Brazil) Feb 23--27
- 4th Conference
of Settat on Operator Algebras and Applications, Marrakech, Morocco, Jan 27—30
- A-AMS Joint Meetings, January 10-13, special sessions on Operator
Algebras and Their Applications: A Tribute to Richard V. Kadison (10th, 11th), Classification
Problems in Operator Algebras (11th, 12th),Noncommutative
Function Theory (12th), and Progress
in Multivariable Operator Theory (13th), San Antonio, USA
- Recent Advances in
operator Theory and Operator Algebras, Indian Statistical Institute,
Bangalore, Dec 9--19
- Beyond Kadison-Singer:
paving and consequences, AIM, Dec 1--5
- Special semester on Geometric and noncommutative methods in
functional analysis (1-3 Oct, 20-24 Oct, 27-31 Oct, 27-29 Nov, 1-12 Dec, 15-19 Dec),
- Recent Advances in
Operator Theory and Operator Algebras, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, India, Dec 9-19
- Winter school on Operator
Spaces, Noncommutative Probability and Quantum groups,
Métabief, France, Dec 1—12
- School on orbit
equivalence and related fields, Univ de Santiago de Chile, Dec
- WCOAS, Denver, Nov
- Dynamical and
C*-algebras: Amenability and Soficity, Banff, Canada, Oct 19—24
- Methods of Noncommutative
Geometry in Analysis and Topology, Hannover, Germany, Oct 6—9
- von Neumann Algebras and
Ergodic Theory, UCLA, USA,
Sept 22--26
- Workshop on Operator Theory
(iWOP2014), Belfast, Northen
Irland, 3-5 Sept
- Classification,
STructure, Amenability and Regularity (CStar), Glasgow,
Scotland, Aug 25--29
(Masterclass) & Sept 1--5 (Conference)
- Operator Methods in Harmonic Analysis,
Belfast, August 18—21
- Operator Algebras and
Applications, ICM Satellite conference, Cheonpung, Aug 8—12
- Special Week on Operator Algebras, Research Center for
Operator Algebras , Shanghai, China, Aug. 02—06
- IWOTA 2014,
Amsterdam, Holland, July 14--18
- Subfactor Theory in
Mathematics and Physics, Maui, USA, July 14-18
- SWOAT 2014,
Krakow, Poland, July 8--12
- 16th Workshop:
Non-commutative Harmonic Analysis, Badlewo,
Poland, July 6 –13
- 25th
International Conference in Operator Theory, Timisoara, Romania,
June 29 -- 5 July
- COSy, Fields Institute, Canada, June 23-27
2014, Inst. Supe. Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal,
June 19--21
- GPOTS 2014,
Manhattan, Kansas (USA), May 27 – 31
- Partial Actions and
Representations Symposium, Gramado, Brazil,
May 11--15
- The Twelfth Annual Spring Institute on NCGOA,
Vanderbilt University, May 2--8
- Subfactors and Fusion
Categories, Banff,
April 13—18
- NZMRI Summer School:
Operator Algebra, Te Anau,
New Zealand,
Jan 13—17
- Thematic programme
on Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Banach and Operator Algebras,
Fields Institute, Canada, Jan—June
- Operator algebras and dynamical systems from number theory, BIRS, Banff,
Alberta, Canada,
, November 24-29
- Noncommutative Geometry, Oberwolfach, Germany, Sept 8--14
- C*-Algebren, Oberwolfach,
August 25—31
- Group theory. Measure,
and asymptotic invariants, Oberwolbach, Germany,
August 18-24
- Banach algebras and
applications, dedicated to the memory of William G. Bade, Gothenburg, Sweden,
July 29—1 August
- Conference "Mathematics and Quantum Physics", Academia dei Lincei,
Rome Italy, July 8 --12
- Conference "Von
Neumann Algebras and Measurable Group Theory", KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, July 1--5
- Noncommutative
distributions in Free Probability Theory, Fields Institute, Canada,
- PRIMA congress,
Shangai, June 24-28
- Summer School "Rigidity and Group Actions", Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu,
Paris. France,
June 17—28
- Noncommutative
Distributions in Free Probability Theory, Fields Institute,
July 2013
- Focus program on
Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum groups, in Honor of M.A.
Rieffel, Fields Institute, Canada,
June 3—28
- Geometric Structures in Group Theory, Oberwolfach, June 2—8
- The 12th Takagi Lectures,
Univ Tokyo, Japan, May 25-26
- Graph algebras: Bridges
between graph C*-algebras and Leavitt path algebras, BIRS, Banff, Alberta, Canada, April 21—26
- The structure and
classification of nuclear C*-algebras, ICMS, Edinburgh, April 15—19
- Research Term on Operator Algebra Methods in
Harmonic Analysis and Quantum Information, IMAT, Madrid, May-July
- School on Group
C*-algebras, Sde Boker (Israel),
March 17—21
- C*-algebras and
Noncommutative Dynamics, Sde Boker (Israel), March 11--14
- Interplay of convex geometry and Banach space theory, BIRS, Banff,
Alberta, Canada,
March 10-15
- New trends in Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis,
IMAT, Madrid, December 17--21
- Arbre de Noel 2012 di GdR GNC (the annual Christmas conference of
the noncommutative geometry GDR), Metz, France, Dec 6—8
- Master class on Sofic
groups and applications to operator algebras, Copenhagen, November 5--9
- C*-Algebras,
Dynamics, and Classification, Oberwolfach, Oct 28--Nov 03
- Harmonic Analysis, Operator Algebras and Representations, CIRM (France), Oct 22—26
- WCOAS, University of
Oregon, USA,
Oct 20--21
- Tenth East Coast Operator
Algebras Symposium, Univ. Tennessee,
Knoxville, USA, Oct. 6—7
- CEMPI Inaugural
Conference, CEMPI, Lille
(France), Sept 24-29
- Non-commutative Harmonic
Analysis, Bedlewo,
September 23-29
- Incontri do geometria noncommutative,
Napoli, Italy, Sept 20--22
- WOAT2012 – workshop on operator
theory and operator algebras, IST-Lisbon,
Sept 11-14
- Workshop on Applications
to Operator Algebras, Fields Institute, Canada, Sept 10—14
- Quantum Probabilistic Symmetries, LMS Midlands Regional Meeting &
Workshop, Aberystwyth,
September 3-7
- Masterclass "Semiprojectivity",
University of Copenhagen, Department of
Mathematical Sciences, Denmark,
August 27—31
- Quantum geometry - Anogia,
August 06 -- 10
- XXth Oporto Meeting
on Geometry, Topology and Physics (Main theme: Noncommutative Geometry and
Conformal Field Theory), Oporto University (Portugal), July 18--22
- IWOTA 2012, Univ. of New South
Wales, Sydney,
July 16—20
- Operator algebras, Frames
& Undergraduate Research, a conference in Honor of the 70th birthday
of David R. Larson, Texas A&M Univ., July 20--22
- Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis
and Applications, IST-Lisbon,
July 11—13
- Noncommutative Geometry, Fundan Univ,
Shangai, July 9--28
- Conference in Operator Theory, Timisoara, Romania, July 2—7
- Workshop in Analysis and
Probability, Texas A&M
Univ, USA,
July 2—August 10
- Topology
and Groups - Berlin, Germany, June 25 -- 29
- Groupes auto-similaires et groupoïdes
hyperboliques - MAPMO, Orléans, France, June
21 -- 23
- Special Week on Operator
Algebras, Research Center for
Operator Algebras, Shangai, June 18—22
- Descriptive Set Theory and Functional Analysis, BIRS, Banff,
Alberta, Canada,
June 17-22
- Advanced Course in
Operator Theory and Complex Analysis, Sevilla (Spain),
June 12-14
- Noncommutative geometry
and quantum groups, Oslo
University College, Norway,
June 11- 15
- Operator Spaces, Quantum
Probability and Applications, Wuhan University, China,
June 4-10
- Geometry and Analysis on
Discrete Groups, Kyoto,
June 4--8
2012, University of
Houston, USA, May 30—June 3
- COSY 2012, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada,
May 21--25
- Topological and algebraic
regularity properties of nuclear C*-algebras, Univ. of Louisiana
at Lafayette, USA, May 11-15
- K-Theory, C*-algebras and Topology of Manifolds II, Chern
Institute of Mathematics (Tianjin), May 07—11
- The Tenth Annual Spring
Institute Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, May 4--10
- Groups, Geometry and
Random Structures, Texas
A&M Univ, USA,
March 22-25
- AMS special session on C*-algebras
and Index Theory, University of Hawaii
at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, USA,
March 3-4
- Workshop on Connes’ Embedding Conjecture, Neuchâtel, Switzerland,
April 23--27
- INI-WIMCS Meeting on Noncommutative Geometry, Cardiff University , Wales- UK, April 16—20
- Endomorphisms, Semigroups and C*-Algebras of
Rings, , Oberwolfach (Germany),
April 8—14
- Operator algebras,quantum groups and tensor
categories, Caen (France)
March 21 -- 22
- Operator structures in
quantum information theory, BIRS, Feb 27--
Mar 02
- Set Theory and
C*-algebras, AIM, January 23--27
- Geometric and Analytic
Aspects of Group Theory, Institut Mittag-Leffler,
Sweden, January 16--May
- Conference on von Neumann Algebras and Related Topics, RIMS, Kyoto University,
Japan, Jan 9 - 13
- Winter
School on Operator Algebras, RIMS,
Kyoto University, Japan,
Dec. 7 – 16
- The nuclear dimension of
C*-algebras, Centre for Symmetry and
Deformation in Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen
Nov 14-18
- Workshop in honor of
Kirchberg's 65th birthday, University of Copenhagen,
November 10--13
- Conference on Operator Algebras and Applications, Settat, Morocco,
Nov 1--5
- Shanks Workshop
“Subfactors, Planar algebras, Fusion Category and Random Matrices”,
Vanderbilt University, USA,
Oct 29--30
- Operator
Algebras and Mathematical Physics, Kansai
Seminar House, Kyoto, Japan, October 25 – 28
- Embedding Problems in
Banach Spaces and Group Theory, MSRI, October 17--21
- Non-commutative Harmonic
Analysis, Będlewo (Poland), Sept 25—Oct 01
- Operator Algebras and
Quantum Groups, in honour of Woronowicz's 70th birthday, Banach Center (Warsaw),
Sept 19--23
- L2 invariants and their relatives for finitely generated groups, AIM, Sept 12--16
- Noncommutative Geometry, Oberwolfach,
Sept 11--17
- Conference
on C*-Algebras and Related Topics, RIMS,
Kyoto University, Japan,
Sept 5 -- 9
- Banach Algebras 2011, Waterloo,
August 03--10
- Non-Linear Geometry of Banach Spaces, Differentiability and
Geometric Group Theory, Texas, USA, August 01—05
- Subfactors, Planar
Algebras and Random Matrices, Maui (Hawaii), July 24--30
- Subfactors in Maui (Hawaii), July
- IWOTA 2011, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, July 3--9
- Geometric and measured group theory, IHP (Paris), July 04-- 08
- Geometric Group Theory, Bristol (UK), June
- Conformal
field theories and tensor categories, Beijing International Center for
Mathematical Research, Beijing, China, June 14—18
- Integral and Differential
Operators and Their Applications, University of Aveiro, Portugal,
June 30 – July 2
- Advanced Course on
Dynamical Systems, CRM (Barcelona), Spain,
June 14 -- 23
- Conference on Structure
and Classification of C*-Algebras CRM (Barcelona), Spain,
June 6 -- 10
COSy 2011, University of Victoria, May 24—28
II1 factors: rigidity, symmetries
and classification, IHP (Paris), May 23 -- 27
CIMPA-MICINN-UNESCO Thailand school on Spectral Triples and Applications, Bangkok, Thailand,
May 22 – June 4
GPOTS 2011, Arizona State University (USA), May 18--22
- Finite Dimensional
Approximations of Discrete Groups, Oberwolfach (Germany),
May 15--21
- Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras, Vanderbilt University,
May 09--18
- Operator Algebras and
their Applications, RIMS (Kyoto), April 2011 -- March 2012
- Operator Theory and its Applications, Gothenburg (Sweden), April 26—29
- EU-NCG 4th Annual Meeting
- Bucharest,
Romani, April 25 – 30
- Théorie
ergodique des actions de groupe, Tours (France), April 19—20
- Von Neumann algebras and ergodic theory of group
actions, IHP (Paris), April 18 --
July 09
- An invitation to von
Neumann algebras and ergodic theory of group actions, CIRM, April
- Workshop on Dynamics and
C*-Algebras, CRM (Barcelona), Spain,
April 6 -- 8
- Groups Actions on Measure
Spaces, TAMU (USA),
March 24--27
- Operator Algebras and
Representation Theory: Frames, Wavelets and Fractals, Oberwolfach, Germany, March 27 -- April 2
- Product Systems and
Independence in Quantum Dynamics, Alfried Krupp
Wissenschafts Kolleg Greifswald, Germany , March 14 -- 18
- Spring School
on Product Systems and Independence in
Quantum Dynamics, Alfried Krupp Wissenschafts Kolleg Greifswald, Germany, March 7 -- 12
- Bialgebras in free
probability, February 1 - April 22. Workshops February
14-25 and April 11-21. ESI, Vienna,
- Research programme on the
Cuntz Semigroup and the Classification of C*-Algebras, CRM (Barcelona),
January 10 -- July 31
- Brazilian Operator Algebras Symposium
(BOAS), Florianopolis,
January 31 -- February 4
- Bialgebras in free Probability, ESI, February 01--April 22
- AMS Joint Meetings.
Special sessions on Multivariable Operator
Theory, Noncommutative Harmonic
Analysis and Dynamic Systems, von Neumann Algebras,
and Wavelets, Tilings, and
Iterated Function Systems. January 6-9, New Orleans, LA
- K-Theory, C*-Algebras and Index Theory, Göttingen (UK), November 01--05
- ECOAS10, Dartmouth College, October 23--24, Hanover, NH,
- Workshop on
Operator Theory, Complex Analysis and Applications, IST-Lisbon,
Oct 10--12
- AMS Fall Western Section
Meeting, UCLA, October 09--10
- Conference
GREFI-GENCO Quantum groups and non commutative geometry, CIRM, Lumini,
France, Sept 27-- Oct. 1
- Seminal
interactions between mathematics and physics, Accademia
Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma,
Sept 22-25
- Classification of
amenable C*-algebras, BIRS, Banff,
Alberta (Canada) September 19--24
- School and Workshop on
operator algebras and some applications, Interdisciplinary
Mathematical Institute (IMI), Madrid (Spain)
Sept 13--17
- Geometry and Physics VIII,
Scalea, Sept 13—17
- Workshop on
C*-algebras and their Classification, LMS regional meeting at Nottingham, UK, Sept 6--10
- Quantum Groups and
Physics, Caen
University, France,
Sep 6--10
- NestFest at
the University of Copenhagen (Ryszard Nest's 60th
birthday), Denmark,
Sept 2--5
- Quantum Groups: Galois
and integration techniques, Clermont
Ferrand, France,
Aug 30 – Sept 3
- International
Congress of Mathematicians Hyderabad
August 19--27
- Operator Algebras and
Conformal Field Theory (workshop for graduate students and
posdocs), University of Oregon, USA,
August 16--21
- Multivariate Operator
Theory, BIRS, Banff, Alberta (Canada), August 15--20
- Satellite Conference on
Quantum Probability and Related Topics to ICM-2010, Bangalore (India), August 14--17
- Satellite Conference on Operator Algebras to
ICM-2010, Chennai (India),
August 9 --13
- Winter School: Topics in
Noncommutative Geometry, Buenos Aires (Argentina),
July 26--August 06
- Operator Algebras and
Related Topics, Beijing, July
- IWOTA 2010, Berlin, Germany,
July 12--16
- 13th Workshop:
Non-commutative harmonic analysis, Bedlewo, Poland,
July 11--17
- Master Class
on Cuntz-Pimsner Algebras: Applications and generalizations, Univ.
Copenhagen (Denmark),
July 5-- 9
- 23rd International Conference on Operator Theory,
Timisoara (Romania), June 29 -- July 4
- EU-NCG 3rd Annual Meeting,
Cardiff 2010 (Wales),
June 28 -- July 2
- Selected Topics in
Non-commutative Geometry, University of Victoria
June 27--July 02
- Noncommutative Lp spaces,
Operator spaces and Applications, BIRS, Banff,
Alberta (Canada) June 27 -- July 2
- Selected Topics in
Non-commutative Geometry, University of Victoria,
June 27--July 02
- LMS regional meeting and
workshop on Operator Algebras and Physics, Cardiff,
June 21 – 25
- The Special Week on
Operator Algebras, Shanghai, June 21--25
- Summer School: Operator
Algebras and Non-commutative Geometry, University of Victoria (Canada),
June 14--25
- Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium
(GPOTS 2010), University of
Denver, CO, USA, June 14 -- 18
- COSy 2010 --
the Canadian Operator Symposium, Fredericton,
New Brunswick, Canada, June 7--11
- Functional Analysis Valencia
2010, Universidad de Valencia, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
(Spain), June 7--12
- Summer school on
C*-algebras and their interplay with dynamical systems, Nordfjordeid (Norway),
May 31--June 04
- From Banach Spaces to Frame Theory and
Applications, In Honor of Professor Pete Casazza's 65th
Birthday, Norbert Wiener Center at the University of Maryland May 20-22
- The sixth Conference
on functions spaces, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, USA, May 18--22
- Lectures
on The Baum-Connes
Conjecture and Group Representations, Cardiff, Wales, May 17 -- 21
- Non-commutative Dynamics
and Quantum Probability, University of Regina,
May 10--15
- Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras
(Topic: von Neumann algebras), Vanderbilt University,
May 10 -- 19
- Banach Algebra and
Operator Space Techniques in Topological Group Theory, Univ Leeds (UK) May
05--June 30
- Danish-Norwegian
Operator Algebra Seminar, Schæffergården
April 10--11
- Operator Algebras - In Celebration of Uffe Haagerup's 60th Birthday, Univ. Copenhagen (Denmark),
April 9
- C*-Algebren, Oberwolfach (Germany), March 7 -- 13
- Quantum Field Theory on Curved Space-times and
Curved Target Spaces, ESI (Austria), March 1-- April 30
- Period on Planar Algebras and
Physics, Cardiff, Wales, Feb
17 -- March 5
- Shanks workshop
Subfactors and Fusion Categories, Vanderbilt University, USA, February 13 -- 14
- Masterclass and workshop
on von Neumann algebras and geometric group theory, University
of Copenhagen, (Denmark), Jan 25--29 and Feb 1--5
- Foundations and
Constructive Aspects of QFT, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Göttingen (Germany),
January 15-16
- Master Class
"Arithmetic Geometry and Noncommutative Geometry", Utrecht,
- Rigidity, HIM, Bonn,
- Operators and Operator Algebras University of Edinburgh,(Scotland)
December 8--11
- Algèbres d'opérateurs, groupes et géométrie, CIRM, Lumini,
(France) December 7-11
- Banach Algebras and Abstract Harmonic Analysis
and Operator Algebras,
CMS sessions, University of Windsor, Ontario (Canada) December 5--7
- Rigidity in cohomology,
K-theory, geometry and ergodic theory, November 23--27
- Masterclass on
classification of C*-algebras, University
of Copenhagen, (Denmark)
Nov 16 -- 27
- Operator Algebras, AMS special session, Riverside, CA, USA, November 7-- 8
- ECOAS, Texas A&M University, USA,
October 24—25
- WCOAS 09 (in
honor of Prof. Jean Renault's 60th birthday) Reno, October 17-18
- Second EU-NCG
annual meeting, University of Copenhagen (Denmark), Sept 28-- Oct 3
- School in Operator
Algebras, IMAR (Bucuresti), 10 Sept 10 - Oct 10
- Noncommutative Geometry, Oberwolfach, September 6--12,
- Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Physics,
Vietri sul Mare (Italy),
August 31 --- September 5
- Non-Commutative
Harmonic Analysis, Będlewo (Poland), August 16--22
- International Congress of
Mathematical Physics, Prague
(Czech), August 3--8
- Algebraic QFT - the first 50 years,
Goettingen (Germany),
July 29--31
- Banach
Algebras 2009, Stefan
Banach International Mathematical Center, Będlewo (Poland)
July 14--24
- KMS States and
Non-Commutative Geometry, Victoria
June 29 – July 10
- Noncommutative Geometric Methods in Global Analysis
(Henrifest), HIM (Bonn), Germany,
June 29-- July 4
- Affine
Isometric Actions of Discrete Groups, ETH (Switzerland),
June 28--July 3
- Special Session on
Operator Álgebras, 5th Asian Mathematical Congress, Malaysia, June 22--26
- Summer School on Operator
Algebras, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon (Portugal)
June 15—19
- Operator Algebras and
Applications, University of Copenhagen,
June 14--17.
- Noncommutative Lp spaces, operator spaces and applications,
CIRM, June
- 25th Nordic and 1st British-Nordic congress of
Mathematicians, Oslo
June 8-11
- The 29thannual
Great Plans Operator Theory Symposium (GPOTS 2009), University of Colorado at
Boulder (USA),
June 2--6
- K-Theory, C*-algebras and Topology of Manifolds, CIM
(Tianjin, China), June 1--5
- 37th Canadian Operator Symposium, Univ. Regina, Canada, May 26--30
- Topology,
C*-algebras, and String Duality, Texas Christian University, May 18—22
- Ecole de Printemps d'Analyse Fonctionnell,
2 ème Edition, Rabat (Morocco), May
- Quantum Group Workshop, Toulouse,
France, May 14--16
2009 (Laufest), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, May 11-15
- Noncommutative
Geometry and Operator Algebras, Vanderbilt University,
USA, May 4--13
- Focused Semester
on K-Theory and Applications, Munster (Germany) (May 4—29, June 8--July 17, July 20--24)
- Noncommutative Geometry,
IPM (Tehran, Iran), April 19—30
- Elementary
Operators and their Applications, Queen's University,
April 14—17
- Première école de printemps Mehdia/GNC: Géométrie non commutative et
physique, Kénitra, Marocc, April 6--11
- von
Neumann Algebras and Ergodic Theory, UCLA, March 15--18
- von Neumann algebras, Ergodic theory and
Geometric Group theory, Chennai (India),
February 2--13
- Mathematics: From Today to Tomorrow -- Global COE Opening
Symposium at Tokyo -- Univ. Tokyo (Japan), January
31--February 1
Workshop on Operator Algebras, University of Tokyo,
January 28--29
- C*-algebras
and elliptic theory, Będlewo (Poland), January 26--31
- Probability and Geometry on Groups, Orsay (France),
January 5--8
- Amenability: Groups and Dynamics, IAS of Jerusalem (Israel),
November 30--December 5
- Groupoidfest 2008,
UC Riverside - Department of Mathematics, USA,
November 22--23
- Workshop Operator
algebraic aspects of Quantum Groups, K.U.Leuven (Belgium),
10--12 November
- Harmonic analysis,
operator algebras and representations, CIRM, November 3--7
- Master Class on Homological Methods in
Operator Algebras, Copenhagen (Denmark),
3--7 November
- Von Neumann Algebras and
Ergodic Theory of Group Actions, Oberwolfach, Germany,
October 26--November 1
Pennsylvania State
University, USA,
October 11--12
- Mini-workshop
on Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Field Theory, Rome
3--7 October
- Quantum Spacetime and
Noncommutative Geometry, Rome,
Sept 29--October 4
- Workshop on
Noncommutative Geometry, in honor of Cuntz's 60th birthday, Münster, September 24--27
- First Canadian Hopf
algebra conference: the rôle of Hopf algebras in
Noncommutative Geometry, Wu Conference
center at the University of New Brunswick (Canada), 3--6 September
- Operator Algebras and
Conformal Quantum Field Theory, ESI, Austria,
August 24 –December 14
- Mathematical Horizons For Quantum Physics,
National University of Singapore, Singapore, Aug--Sept
- Planar Algebra, Master
Class, by Vaughan Jones (University of California, Berkeley),
AarhusUniversitet, Danmark, August 25--29
- Analytic Properties of Infinite Groups,
Genève, August 25--29
- Instructional Workshop on
Subfactors and Planar Algebras (SFPA2008), Queen's University Belfast, Irland,
22--26 August
- C*-Algebras, Oberwolfach, Germany, August 17—23
- Operator Algebras,
Dynamics, and Classification, Texas A&M University, USA, August 4--8
- Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics,
Brussels, Belgium, July 22--26
- International Workshop on
Operator Theory and its Applications (IWOTA 2008) , College of William
and Mary, USA, July 22--26
- Operator Structures and
Dynamical Systems, Lorentz Center,
Leiden, the Netherlands, July 21—25
- Aspects of operator
algebras and applications, summer schools in K-theory for
operator algebras and classification of C*-algebras, Modular theory for
von Neumann algebras and applications to quantum field theory, and
Amenability, hyperbolic groups and operator algebras, Palacio de la
Magdalena, Santander, Spain, July 21--25
- 22nd International
Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara, Romania,
July 3—8
- GPOTS University of Cincinnati,
USA, June 17—22
- First Annual EU-NCG
Network Meeting, Dublin Institute for Advanced
Studies, Irland, June 16—20
- Educational Week on Noncommutative
Integration, Leiden University, the Netherlands, June 9-13
- AMS-SBM Special Session on Low
Dimensional Topology, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 04-- 07
- Non-Commutative Geometry and K-Theory for Operator Algebras,
Université du Quebec à
Montréal, June 2--6
- Workshop on
Noncommutative Geometry, Fields Institute, May 27--31
- Canadian Operator Symposium (COSy), Fields Institute,
May 20--24
- Fields Workshop around
Connes Embedding Problem, University
of Ottawa, Canada,
May 16- 18
- Operator Theory and Operator
Algebras in Cork,
A Conference in Memory of
Gerard J Murphy, University College
Cork, Ireland, May 7—9
- The Sixth Annual Spring Institute on
Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras, Vanderbilt University, USA, May 5--
- Shanks workshop: Subfactors and Planar Algebras at Vanderbilt,
University, USA,
April 18--20
- International Conference on Operator Algebras
and Applications, Marrakech,
April 14--18
- Topics in von Neumann
Algebras, BIRS, Canada,
March 23--28
- Workshop on
Noncommutative Geometry, Copenhagen,
February 25-29
- West Coast Operator Algebra Seminar, California State University, Long Beach, USA, February 2—3
- Mini-workshop on Fuzzy
Physics and Random Matrices, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland,
January 28—February 2
- C*-Algebras Associated to
Discrete and Dynamical Systems, BIRS, January 27--February 1
- Free Probability,
Extensions, and Applications, BIRS, January 13--18
- Danish-Norwegian
symposium in Operator Algebras in honour of the 70th birthday
of Erling Størmer, Lysebu,
December 15--18
- Klaus Fredenhagen's
Birthday Colloquium, Center for Mathematical Physics, Hamburg, Germany, December 07
- Miniworkshop on Ergodic
Theory and von Neumann algebras, ESI, Austria,
December 3--14
- Belfast Functional Analysis Day 2007, Queen's University Belfast, December 1
- 1st French-Italian Meeting on
Noncommutative Geometry, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy, November 23--25
- Meeting on operator
theory and operator algebras, Chiba University, Japan, November 7--9
- Workshop
on noncommutative manifolds II, Trieste, Italy, October 22-26
- Dichotomy
Amenable/Nonamenable in Combinatorial Group Theory, American Institute of Mathematics, October
- A-Thematic Program on
Operator Algebras, July-December, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada. A large number of
activities, including the workshops: Noncommutative Dynamics and Applications (July
16-20), Free Probability, Random
Matrices, and Planar Algebras (September 17-21), von Neumann Algebras (October 29 - November 2), Structure of C*-algebras
(in honour of the 60th birthdays of Akitaka Kisimoto and Ola Bratteli ,
November 12-16), Operator Spaces and
Quantum Groups (December 11-15)
- The Fifth East Coast Operator Algebras
Symposium (ECOAS 07), Wellesley College,
in Wellesley, Massachusetts,
September 29 –30
- Geometry, Rigidity, and Group Actions, in honor of Robert
Zimmer, University
of Chicago, September 7--9
- XVI International Fall Workshop on Geometry and
Physics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, September
- Ordre Apériodique:
nouveaux liens et anciens problèmes revisités, CIRM (Marseille), France, September
- Noncommutative Geometry,
Oberwolfach, September 2--8
- Quantum Probability and Related Topics, Guanajuato (Mexico),
September 2--8
- Noncommutative Geometry,
Chern Institute of
Mathematics (Tianjin),
August 15--30
- Summer School in Operator
Algebras, August 13-24, University
of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- Operator Spaces and Group
Algebras, BIRS, August
- International Conference
on Banach spaces and Operator spaces, Chern Institute of
Mathematics, Tianjin,
July 21--25
- Algebraic Methods in
Functional Analysis, Gothenburg (Sweden),
June 15--17
- XVIth Meeting on Geometry, Topology and Physics, Faro, Portugal, July 5--8
- Meeting on the structure
of C*-algebras (in honor of Eberhard Kirchberg on the occasion
of his 60th birthday), Münster, Germany, July 5--8
- Banach Algebras 2007, Laval (Québec), July 4--12
- Operator spaces,
non-commutative L_p-spaces and Applications, CIRM, Marseille, France,
June 25--29
- Special Session operator
algebras of the joint International
Meeting UMI-DMV, Perugia,
June 18-22
- C*-Algebras and their Invariants, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (Barcelona), June
- Free Probability,
Operator Spaces and von Neumann algebras, Sibiu, Romania,
June 9--16
- The fifth annual spring institute on
Noncommutative geometry and operator algebras, Vanderbilt University, Department of
Nashville, Tennessee, USA, May 7--16
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Conformal Field Theory", Oberwolfach, Germany, April 1--7
- Non Commutative Geometry, Conference in honour of Alain Connes, Institut Henri Poincaré, March 29 -- April
- Free Probability and
Large N Limit, Berkeley,
March 25--30
- von Neumann Algebras and
Ergodic Theory, UCLA, March
- Operator Algebras and Topology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, January
29--February 03
- School Quantum
Potential Theory: Structure and applications to physics, Alfried Krupp Kolleg Greifswald, Germany,
February 26--March 10
- Special semester:
Amenability, Erwin Schrödinger
Institute, Austria,
- U.S.-Japan Seminar on
Operator Algebras, University of Hawaii,
USA, January 27--30
- Groupoids and stacks in
Physics and Geometry, IHP, France, January 8--April 6
- Workshop on Discrete
groups and operator algebras, RIMS, Japan,
January 9--11
- MSJ-IHES Joint Workshop
on Noncommutativity, IHES, France,
November 14--18
- Recent Advances in
Operator Algebras, Rome,
November 8--11
- The Fourth East Coast
Operator Algebra Symposium, Georgia Tech, Atlanta (USA), September 30, October 1
- The Kadison-Singer
Problem, American Institute of Mathematics,
Palo Alto, California (USA), September 25--29
- Conference on Operator Algebras and
Applications in Honour of Chris Lance, Leeds, UK,
September 21--23
- Topics on von Neumann
algebras, BIRS, Canada,
September 16--21
- Operator Theory in Quantum Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, September
- IV Summer School in Modern Mathematical Physics,
Zlatibor, Serbia, September 3--14
- WOAT 2006: Summer school and workshop on
Operator Algebras, Operator Theory and Applications (ICM 2006 Satellite meeting), Inst. Superior Técnico,
Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 1--5
- Conference on K-theory and Noncommutative
Geometry, ICM 2006 Satellite, Valladolid, Spain, August
31--September 6
- ICM 2006, Madrid
August 22--30
- International Congress on
Mathematical Physics - ICMP, Rio de Janeiro
August 6--13
- Noncommutative Geometry, Isaac Newton
Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Oxford,
UK, 24
July - 22 December
- ICMP-Satellite Meeting on Operator Algebras, Florianópolis,
July 24--28
- 21st International Conference on Operator
Theory, Timisoara,
June 28 --July 4
- Free Analysis,
American Institute of Mathematics, USA, June
- Beyond Amenability:
Groups, Actions and Operator Algebras, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA, May 27--30
- GPOTS, University of Iowa,
May 24--28
- Banach spaces and their
applications in Analysis, Miami
University, Oxford, USA,
May 22--27
- Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras,
Vanderbilt University, USA, May 8--17
- Infinite Dimensional Lie
Algebras and Local von Neumann Algebras in CFT, BIRS, Canada, May 6—20
- Operator Algebra Workshop, Queen's University Belfast (Northen
Irland), May 5-6
- Operator Algebras and
Applications, University of Southern
Denmark (Odense),
April 19--23
- BIRS Workshop on
Noncommutative Geometry, BIRS, April
- Topics in Operator
Algebras and Noncommuative Geometry, Dipartimento di
Matematica, Università di Trento, March 20--26
- Generalized McKay
correspondences and representation theory, MSRI, USA,
March 19--24
- C*-algebras and Elliptic Theory. II, Będlewo (Poland), January 23--28
- International Conference on Noncommutative Geometry
and Quantum Physics, S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic
Sciences, Kolkata, India, January 4--10
- International Conference
on Operator Algebras and their Connections to Mathematical Physics,
University Hassan I, Settat,
November 28 -- December 2
- Workshop on Index Theory,
Münster, November 4--9
- C*-Algebren, Oberwolfach, Germany, August 28--September 3
- 6th Operator Algebras International
Conference on operator algebras and mathematical physics IMAR, Bucharest, Romania, August 10 -- 17
- Noncommutative Geometry and Index Theory,
Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australia,
22 July -- 1 August
- Chinese Operator Algebra
and Operator Theory Symposium, Xi'an,
July 22--26
- XV Oporto meeting on geometry,
topology and physics, Porto (Portugal), July 20--23
- Categories in Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical
Physics, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia,
July 11-15
- Banach Algebras and their Applications,
Bordeaux, France, July 3--13
- COSy dedicated to George
Elliott's 60th birthday, University
of Ottawa, Fields Institute, Canada,
June 19--24
- A Conference to honour the memory of the late J.
T. Lewis, Dublin Institute of Technology, Irland, June 14--17
- Summer School Vertex
Algebras and Related Topics, Erwin Schroedinger Institute, Austria,
June 12 -- July 2
- Summer School in Operator
Algebras, University of Ottawa, Canada, Fields Institute, Canada,
June 7--17
- Conference on Operator Theory, Function Spaces and
Applications, Aveiro
University, Portugal,
July 7--9
- GPOTS, University
of Central Florida (USA), June
- Workshop on Operator
Algebras, Operator Spaces and Noncommutative Probability,
Universite de Franche-Comte, Besancon, France, June 6 --10
- Operator Algebras,
Operator Spaces and Harmonic Analysis, Université de Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,
June 4--6
- Operator Algebras and
Applications, National University
of Ireland Cork, Ireland,
June 1--4
- 3rd Spring School and International Conference
on von Neumann Algebras and Applications, Vanderbilt University
(USA), May 9--20
- Symposium honoring the memory of Gert K.
Pedersen , the Institute for Mathematical Sciences at
University of Copenhagen, Danmark, April 29--May 1
- ABC-KLM Tenth Network
Meeting, Warwick,
UK, April
- Free Probability Theory,
Oberwolfach (Germany),
March 27--April 2
- Topology, analysis and applications to mathematical
physics, Moscow State
Lomonosov University, Russia,
February 14-19
- Foundations and Constructive Aspects of QFT,
Universität Göttingen,
January 21--22
- Noncommutative Geometry, Institut Mittag-Leffler, September 2003--June 2004
- Network in Algebraic Geometry, Boundary
Conformal Field Theory and Noncommutative Geometry , Oxford, January 6--9
- Noncommutative
Seminar, Maths Dept, IST-Lisbon, January
- Mini
course on Directed combinatorial homology
and noncommutative geometry, Maths Dept, IST-Lisbon, February 9--13
- Thompson's group at 40
years, American Institute of Mathematics,
January 11--14
- Noncommutative Geometry
in Mathematics and Physics, introduction (January 26-30), von
Neumann algebras (February 2-6), K-theory (February 10-13), Physics
(February 16-20). CIRM, Lumini,
January 26 - February 20
- C*-algebras and Elliptic Theory,
Banach center, Bedlewo,
February 23--28
- K-theory and Noncommutative Geometry,
Institut Henri Poincaré, March--July 2004
- L2-Invariants,
Measure Theory and Geometric Group Theory, Münster, March 8--12
- Workshop on
Algebraic and Topological Dynamics, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn (Germany),
May 1 -- July 31
- 2nd Spring Noncommutative Geometry and Operator
Algebras, Vanderbilt
University, May
- 2004 Canadian Operator
Symposium, Waterloo, May
- GPOTS , Texas A&M Univ, May 26--30
- Aperiodic Order:
Dynamical Systems, Combinatorics, and Operators, BIRS, May 29--June 3
- Graph Algebras: Operator
Algebras We Can See, CBMS Meeting at the University of Iowa,
May 31 -- June 4
- Tensor categories in
mathematics and physics, Erwin Schroedinger Institute, Austria,
- V Lisbon Summer Lectures
in Geometry, Maths Dept,
IST-Lisbon (Portugal),
June 14--18
- Workshop on
Noncommutative Geometry and Number Theory, II, Max-Planck-Institut für
Mathematik, Bonn (Germany),
June 14--18
- Workshop on Hopf Algebras,
University of Wales Swansea,
June 24--26
- Non-commutative Probability and Related Topics,
Banach center, Bedlewo,
June 21--26
- 20th International Conference on Operator Theory,
Timisoara (Romania), June 30--July 5
- Quantum Groups
at the Technion in Israel,
July 5 -- 12
- Non-commutative geometry
and representation theory in mathematical physics in Karlstad (Sweden), July 5 -- 10
- XIIIth Oporto meeting on
geometry, topology and physics, Porto (Portugal), July 16--19
- Symposium in honor of J. Bros "Rigorous
Quantum Field Theory" , Paris Saclay, France, July 19 --
- Operator Algebras and
Random Matrices, Ambleside (England), July 23--30.
- Abel Symposium
"Operator Algebras", Oslo, Norway,
September 3--5
- Nichtkommutative Geometrie, Oberwolfach, September 12--18
- Conference on the occasion of Pierre
de la Harpe's 60th birthday. Geneva,
30 September–-2 October
- Free Probability Theory,
BIRS, October 9--14
- von Neumann Algebras and
Noncommutative Ergodic Theory, Nashville, USA,
October 16--17
- Workshop on Noncommutative Manifolds,
International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Trieste, Italy October 18--22
- Network in Algebraic
Geometry, Boundary Conformal Field Theory and Noncommutative Geometry ,
Gregynog (Wales),
October 28--31
- The Structure of Amenable
Systems, BIRS, October
30--November 4
- Quantum Spaces -
Noncommutative Geometry, Network Meeting Dublin (Irland) November 15-19
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